(image from http://kalamazoogenealogy.org)
While just googling around one afternoon, with the surnames of my Irish Larkins ancestors, I came across this image of an index card which abstracted the marriage record of my great great grandparents, Thomas F. Larkins and Mary Louise Cross (she was identified as Lula M Cross in her marriage record.)
The website where this index card was found is: Kalamazoo County Genealogical Records, at http://kalamazoogenealogy.org. Resources found here include: Vital Records, Family Trees, Probate Records, and information from cemeteries, schools, directories, schools, and more. The site is searchable by surname.
Though Thomas and Mary Louise were residents of Sandusky, Ohio, they were married at St. Augustine's Catholic Church in Kalamazoo County, Michigan on January 7, 1889. The priest's name was Rev. Thomas J. Ryan. The parents of Thomas F. Larkins were Patrick Larkins and Bridget Ryan, so it is a good possibility that Rev. Ryan was related to Bridget Ryan Larkins. The witnesses to the wedding were: Joanne Ryan and Maria McHugh. To date, I have not find any genealogical connections to these witnesses, but perhaps in the future I will determine more details about them.
Sadly, Mary Louise Cross Larkins died in 1912, at the age of 42. Thomas remarried, to Emma Lieke, who loved his children and grandchildren and helped to raise Grandpa Tom's granddaughter Doris Wheeler. Pictured below are: Thomas Larkins, his daughter, Irene Larkins Risko, granddaughter Doris Wheeler Parker, and great granddaughter Joyce Parker. Search for the surname Larkins in this blog to read earlier posts about members of the Larkins family in Erie County, Ohio.