Thursday, September 29, 2011
A Rewarding Day: Combining Old and New Resources
Because my hobby and occupation both involve genealogy, it was a very rewarding today! A patron from out of state came in today, and it just so happens that the person she was researching was in my Family Tree. We are very distant cousins on one of Mom's Irish lines. After some searching, I tracked down a birth record on Family Search, from 1811, in the England and Wales Non-Conformist Records. Google Books led me to a listing in the HISTORY OF THE WESTERN RESERVE, and the 1855 Sandusky City Directory. A FindaGrave record provided an image of the tombstone of the person our patron was researching. The Archives Research Center at the library where I work held photographs of descendants. A quick Google search yielded obituaries of the son and granddaughter of our person in question. The Ohio Obituary Index gave the exact citation of three obituaries of our person! A database from Old Newark provided the year and location of the couple for whom we were looking! It is amazing how the Internet, combined with traditional resources, can quickly help us along the path of family research! It is an exciting time to be a researcher!
*Note - names and specific records found have been withheld to ensure privacy. (Top image courtesy ClipArtHeaven.)
Family History Research,
First Battle Site Marker in Marblehead, Ohio
In September of 1812, General William Hull sent a company of volunteers to defend the residents of the Marblehead peninsula in Ottawa County, Ohio. Native Americans, who were British sympathizers, attacked the party, resulting in casualties on both sides. Joshua Reed Giddings, who survived the attack, erected a stone in honor of those who lost their lives on September 29, 1812. The names of officers Daniel Mingus, Alexander Mason, and M. Simmons appear on the stone.
Today this stone stands in a spot that is now known as Battlefield Park in Marblehead, Ohio.
You can read about this early battle in an article about Joshua Reed Giddings, found in Volume 8 of the Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly.
War of 1812
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Wordless Wednesday: Sweney Monument at Marion Cemetery
Marion Cemetery,
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Great Great Grandpa's Name Was Listed in the J's and Not the Y's
When I first began to learn more about my Dad's Yeager line, I found this obituary of my great great grandfather Lawrence Yeager, who died on August 16, 1911. The obituary appeared in the August 17, 1911 issue of the Sandusky Register.
Lawrence Yeager
The death of Lawrence Yeager occurred at the family residence, 208 Pierce Street, Wednesday afternoon at 1:45 o'clock. He was sixty four years and six days of age. Mr. Yeager who has resided here for the past thirty years, was struck by an automobile at the corner of Market and Jackson Streets about four weeks ago, but it is not known whether or not this contributed to his death.
As I looked for his name in the Sandusky City Directories, I did not find him listed in the surnames that began with Y. It occurred to me that maybe I should check the surnames that started with J. His name and address were on page 131 of the Williams' Sandusky Directory for 1900-1901. He lived at 208 Pierce Street at this time, with his second wife Catharine.
Hundreds of German immigrants settled in Erie County, Ohio, and I was familiar the name Schmidt being later known as Smith, and Mueller being Americanized to Miller, but in this case the spelling difference occurred at the first letter of the surname. Our ancestors can keep us on our toes!
Lawrence Yeager
The death of Lawrence Yeager occurred at the family residence, 208 Pierce Street, Wednesday afternoon at 1:45 o'clock. He was sixty four years and six days of age. Mr. Yeager who has resided here for the past thirty years, was struck by an automobile at the corner of Market and Jackson Streets about four weeks ago, but it is not known whether or not this contributed to his death.
As I looked for his name in the Sandusky City Directories, I did not find him listed in the surnames that began with Y. It occurred to me that maybe I should check the surnames that started with J. His name and address were on page 131 of the Williams' Sandusky Directory for 1900-1901. He lived at 208 Pierce Street at this time, with his second wife Catharine.
Hundreds of German immigrants settled in Erie County, Ohio, and I was familiar the name Schmidt being later known as Smith, and Mueller being Americanized to Miller, but in this case the spelling difference occurred at the first letter of the surname. Our ancestors can keep us on our toes!
Monday, September 26, 2011
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Judson

C. A. Judson had served as Sandusky's City Engineer, state senator for two terms, and Customs Collector, prior to his service as City Commissioner. The Judson family had long resided in Erie County, settling in Florence Corners in 1825. Mrs. Judson was active in the Monday Literary Club and several organizations of the First Congregational Church.
Obituaries for Mr. and Mrs. Judson are found in the 1926 Obituary Notebook located in the Archives Research Center of the Sandusky Library. The local newspaper reported that both Mr. and Mrs. Judson were held on a "high plane of esteem." The funeral for Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Judson was held at First Congregational Church and burial was at Oakland Cemetery.
First Congregational Church,
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Emeline Baumeister, Educator

Miss Emeline P. Baumeister was born on October 11, 1894 to Frank and Katherine (Spaith) Baumeister. After receiving a teacher certificate from Kent State University, Emeline taught school at Campbell School in Sandusky. Emeline served as Principal of Campbell School for several years. An article in the June 8, 1946 issue of the Sandusky Register Star News reported that Miss Baumeister was going to leave her post as Principal, to become the Elementary Supervisor of Sandusky City Schools. Between 1924 and 1937, Emeline Baumeister co-authored several books written for elementary age school children. On September 25, 1980, Emeline Baumeister passed away at the age of 85. She had been a member of Grace Episcopal Church. Miss Emeline Baumeister was the last surviving member of her immediate family. Her parents, and sisters Elsie, Edna, and Charlotte had all died before 1980. Funeral services for Miss Baumeister were held at the Charles J. Andres' Sons Funeral Home, and burial was at Oakland Cemetery. After her death, a trust fund was established in the name of Emeline Baumeister at Sandusky City Schools. An obituary for Emeline P. Baumeister appeared in the September 25, 1980 issue of the Sandusky Register.
Campbell School
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Regina Von Hausen Storck

On September 24, 1912, Regina Von Hausen Storck died in Cleveland, Ohio, at the age of 66 years, 8 months, and 8 days. Rev. DuMoulin of Trinity Cathedral officiated at the funeral services for Regina Von Hausen Storck in Cleveland. The October 2, 1912 issue of the Sandusky Register reports that another funeral service for Regina was held at the home of Postmaster Schippel in Sandusky. During the services, the German Lutheran Church Choir sang several hymns, including "Nearer My God to Thee" and "Rock of Ages." Regina's casket was taken to the vault at Oakland Cemetery. She was not to be buried until the arrival of her son Jay from California.
A touching inscription on the tombstone of Regina Von Hausen Storck indicates the depth of love and respect that her three children had for her:
That no truer, more unselfish, more loveable mother ever lived, is the tribute of her children.
Oakland Cemetery,
Von Hausen
Friday, September 23, 2011
Tombstone of George J. Bing and Emelina M. Bing Bradley
George J. Bing is buried in Range D at Oakland Cemetery. His wife Emelia, who married William Bradley after she was widowed, is buried beside her first husband George. In the early part of the 1910's, George J. Bing was a prominent Sandusky businessman. He operated a carriage shop, and later moved to a brick garage at 131 Tiffin Avenue, where he sold and repaired automobiles. He also was very interested in aviation. On September 23, 1941, George J. Bing and two other men died in an automobile accident following a trip to the Sandusky County Fair in Fremont, Ohio. One of the other men who was killed was my great great grandfather, George B. Parker.
The building where George J. Bing sold and fixed autos is still standing. The current address is 317 Tiffin Avenue, and it is home to Herold Heating, Inc. in 2011.
If you look towards the top of the building, you can still see the words Geo. J. Bing. I drive by this business several times a week, and as I go by, I am always reminded of the three men who lost their lives. Though Mr. Bing died so very young, his name and his memory live on
Oakland Cemetery
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Thomas J. Ferguson

According to the death certificate of Thomas J. Ferguson, he was born on June 20, 1890 to Henry and Alice (Smith) Ferguson in Easley, South Carolina. (The tombstone date reads June 30.) Easley is in Pickens County, South Carolina, which is located in the westernmost portion of South Carolina, in a part of the state known as the Golden Corner . By the 1930's, Thomas J. Ferguson was living in Sandusky, Ohio, and was employed at the Farrell Cheek Foundry.
On September 22, 1933, Thomas J. Ferguson passed away, following a lengthy illness. He was survived by his wife, a daughter, three brothers, and a sister. His mother, Mrs. Alice Gafele, of Easley, South Carolina, also survived him. Rev. Charles Gray officiated at funeral services for Thomas J. Ferguson, held at Ebenezer Baptist Church. Burial was at Oakland Cemetery. A World War One military marker adorns the tombstone of Mr. Ferguson.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Ferdinand Geiersdorf Monument at Oakland Cemetery

After the death of Ferdinand Geiersdorf, Amelia married Louis Adolph, who also was involved in the fish business. Louis and Amelia Adolph appear in the 1880 Census with their two daughters, Clara and Bertha, as well as two servants, Ann Heinsburg and Jacob Johns.

Two other names are inscribed on the Geiersdorf monument. Amelia's second husband, Louis Adolph, died on September 3, 1917. Amelia's mother, Caroline Fehrenz, was born in Saxony on November 19, 1815, and she died in Sandusky on January 12, 1870.
At the base of the Ferdinand Geiersdorf monument is the surname spelled in upper case letters which resemble the shape and texture of tree branches.

Monday, September 19, 2011
Lemuel Hunt

Mrs. Hunt died 34 years before her husband. The Hunts were the parents of eight children. Lemuel Hunt, known by most as "Uncle Lemuel," was buried in Deyo Cemetery in Groton Township. J.E. Bragg concluded his tribute to Lemuel Hunt with, "In the decease of Lemuel Hunt we lose a good man and Groton Township loses her oldest inhabitant. Erie County loses one of her oldest pioneers, and the state of Ohio one of her oldest citizens. May our loss be his gain."
Deyo Cemetery,
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Sentimental Sunday: Great Grandma Ada's Mirror and Doily
This hand held mirror once belonged to my Great Grandmother, Ada Steen Parker. She passed it on to my mother, who passed it on down to me. Mom said that it was once part of a set, along with a brush and comb, that Grandma Ada used in her bedroom. It definitely shows signs of wear and tear, but I love that I can look at it, and remember so many family stories...of how Grandma Ada cherished her family heritage, and worked very hard, especially during her years on the family farm in Perkins Township.
Another item that I recently came across was Great Grandma Ada's doily.
Grandma Ada embroidered her initials, ASP, onto the doily.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
52 Weeks of Personal Genealogy and History: Hobbies
The prompt for Week 38 of 52 Weeks of Personal History & Genealogy, by Amy Coffin of We Tree, and hosted by Geneabloggers, is: Hobbies
Did you have any hobbies as a child? Which ones?
My favorite hobby when I was a child was reading. Mom said I loved to have Little Golden books read to me. One summer I can remember reading LITTLE PEAR for the Reading for Fun Club at the local library. As our family got larger, I often read Mother Goose rhymes to my baby sister Kellie. With the verse "Old Mother Hubbard," I would make up my own verses, like "He went to McDonald's to get a hamburger," or "He went to the beach to take a swim." Through the years I have read often to my three children, and then to my young grandsons. Nowadays, I do much of my reading at the computer. Reading takes to me to places and eras that are far away, and I agree with Emily Dickinson, "There is no frigate like a book...."
Did you have any hobbies as a child? Which ones?
My favorite hobby when I was a child was reading. Mom said I loved to have Little Golden books read to me. One summer I can remember reading LITTLE PEAR for the Reading for Fun Club at the local library. As our family got larger, I often read Mother Goose rhymes to my baby sister Kellie. With the verse "Old Mother Hubbard," I would make up my own verses, like "He went to McDonald's to get a hamburger," or "He went to the beach to take a swim." Through the years I have read often to my three children, and then to my young grandsons. Nowadays, I do much of my reading at the computer. Reading takes to me to places and eras that are far away, and I agree with Emily Dickinson, "There is no frigate like a book...."
Friday, September 16, 2011
Maude Facer Metz and Baby Marguerite

Buried next to Maude Facer Metz is "Baby Marguerite," a baby born to Maude from a previous marriage.

Records on file at Family Search Labs tell us that Baby Marguerite's full name was Roda Marguerite Oram. She was the daughter of Maude Facer Oram and James Oram. Roda Marguerite Oram was born in 1889, and she died on September 15, 1890. An obituary for Roda Marguerite Oram appeared in the September 16, 1890 issue of the Sandusky Register. The infant's funeral took place at the residence of Samuel Facer in Sandusky. How very sad for Samuel Facer to have outlived both his daughter and granddaughter.
Oakland Cemeter
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Lucas S. Beecher, Lawyer

An article in the January 1897 Western Reserve Law Journal stated about Lucas Beecher that "He was a very eloquent and forceful speaker, honest with the courts, his clients and opposing counsel, had a wonderful memory and great tact in the examination of witnesses, was respectful and kind to all, more especially to the younger members of the bar. He had a very large and remunerative practice." Judge E. B. Sadler, in the same article, wrote about Beecher: "Disabled as he was when just entering upon the threshold of a successful practice, nevertheless, he rose to a height which enabled him to easily maintain his position as a leader in this most difficult of all professions."
Lucas S. Beecher was the counsel for Benjamin Johnson, a former slave who settled in Sandusky. The Justice of the Peace at Sandusky, John Wheeler,sided with Beecher and maintained that Johnson was a free man, under the provisions of the Ordinance of 1787, which stated that involuntary servitude was prohibited in Ohio.The Lucas Beecher home, still standing in Sandusky, was a safe haven for runaway slaves during the Underground Railroad.
Lucas S. Beecher died on October 18, 1882, and is buried in Oakland Cemetery. Mrs. Beecher died in May of the same year.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Accessing America's GenealogyBank at the Toledo-Lucas County Public Library
After logging onto the website of the Toledo-Lucas County Public Library, and selecting Newsbank Newspapers in the selection of Magazines and Newspapers, I am able to access America's GenealogyBank. Among the findings at this database are historical newspapers, books, pamphlets and government reports, that cover a span of over two hundred years!
Below is a portion of an article from the Ohio State Journal which discusses the deadly cholera epidemic that swept through Sandusky in the summer of 1849.
The death of Sandusky abolitionist Rush Sloane is covered by the January 2, 1909 issue of the Cleveland Gazette.
In another article from the Cleveland Gazette, dated August 12, 1922, Sandusky resident James M. French congratulates the editor of the Gazette, Henry Clay Smith on his nomination as a candidate for Ohio Governor. (Though Henry Clay Smith ran for Ohio Governor several times during the 1920's, he was unsuccessful in winning.)
See what genealogical and historical databases are accessible in the library in your community. Often larger public libraries allow any resident of the state to obtain a library card, opening the door to hours of searching and new discoveries!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Helpful Information from St. Joseph Cemetery in Lockbourne, Ohio

Several years ago, my mother and I were trying to learn more about Mom's Irish roots on her Larkin/Larkins side. We set out to see if we could find out more information about my great great grandaunt, Ella/Ellen Larkins. We finally determined that Aunt Ellen had been buried at St. Joseph Cemetery in Lockbourne, Ohio, south of Columbus, so we contacted the cemetery office. Staff from the office of St. Joseph Cemetery graciously snapped a Polaroid shot of the tombstone of Ellen and Garret Londergan. The lot card for Ella/Ellen Londergan provided us with her exact birth and death dates. Ellen was born on March 2, 1861, in Sandusky, Ohio, and she died on February 12, 1937. The card told us that the funeral mass was held at St. Francis Church. Her children were listed as sons John and Edward, and daughter, Mrs. Cornelius Thiel. Her parents were given: Patrick and Bridget Larkin. Ellen's father Patrick was a native of Ireland. The names of her siblings were also listed: Thomas Larkin of Sandusky, John of Kalamazoo, Michigan, and Mrs. John Weiss.

The cemetery lot card for Ellen's husband, Garrett Londergan, gave us his date of death, which was May 13, 1937. Garrett was age 67, and he was born in Elmira, New York. His funeral mass was also held at St. Francis Church, and his occupation was millwright. Garrett's mother's maiden name was Connelly, and both his parents had been born in Ireland. He was survived by three sisters, four brothers, and four grandchildren.

A map of St. Joseph Cemetery was highlighted in green, to show us the exact location of the tombstone for Garrett and Ellen Londergan. They were buried in the Queen of Martyrs section, Lot 24, spaces 4 and 5. This map proved very helpful when Mom and I finally had the opportunity to visit the St. Joseph Cemetery.

Not all cemeteries have the time and staff to be able to give this level of helpful genealogical information to family history researchers, but we were very excited to learn all these details about a couple to whom we were connected, but about whom we knew very little.
St. Joseph Cemetery
Monday, September 12, 2011
99+ Genealogy Things Meme
Recently I found out from Appple's Tree that at Kinnexions, Becky is revisiting the 99+ Genealogy Things Meme. Here is how it works:
I'll repeat the original list below, with an update on the things I've done. Feel free to modify the list to suit your needs... If you wish to participate in the meme, simply copy the text below and paste it into your blog (or into a note on facebook or Google+ if you don't have a blog) and annotate the list accordingly. We're on the 'honor system' here, no one is going to check up on you! Participation is up to you, no tagging of other bloggers required. And, if you've done it before, you can do it again.
The list should be annotated in the following manner:
Things you have already done or found: bold face type
Things you would like to do or find: italicize (color optional)
Things you haven’t done or found and don’t care to: plain type
1. Belong to a genealogical society.
2. Researched records onsite at a court house.
3. Transcribed records.
4. Uploaded tombstone pictures to Find-A-Grave.
5. Documented ancestors for four generations (self, parents, grandparents, great-grandparents).
6. Joined Facebook.
7. Helped to clean up a run-down cemetery.
8. Joined the Genea-Bloggers Group on Facebook.
9. Attended a genealogy conference.
10. Lectured at a genealogy conference.
11. Spoke on a genealogy topic at a local genealogy society.
12. Been the editor of a genealogy society newsletter.
13. Contributed to a genealogy society publication.
14. Served on the board or as an officer of a genealogy society.
15. Got lost on the way to a cemetery.
16. Talked to dead ancestors.
17. Researched outside the state in which I live.
18. Knocked on the door of an ancestral home and visited with the current occupants. (I'd love to go to my Grandpa Larkins home!)
19. Cold called a distant relative.
20. Posted messages on a surname message board.
21. Uploaded a gedcom file to the internet.
22. Googled my name.
23. Performed a random act of genealogical kindness.
24. Researched a non-related family, just for the fun of it.
25. Have been paid to do genealogical research. (Well it was a donation...does that count?)
26. Earn a living (majority of income) from genealogical research.
27. Wrote a letter (or email) to a previously unknown relative.
28. Contributed to one of the genealogy carnivals.
29. Responded to messages on a message board or forum.
30. Was injured while on a genealogy excursion.
31. Participated in a genealogy meme.
32. Created family history gift items (calendars, cookbooks, etc.).
33. Performed a record lookup for someone else.
34. Went on a genealogy seminar cruise. (I certainly WISH I could!)
35. Am convinced that a relative must have arrived here from outer space.
36. Found a disturbing family secret.
37. Told others about a disturbing family secret.
38. Combined genealogy with crafts (family picture quilt, scrapbooking).
39. Think genealogy is a passion not a hobby.
40. Assisted finding next of kin for a deceased person (Unclaimed Persons).
41. Taught someone else how to find their roots.
42. Lost valuable genealogy data due to a computer crash or hard drive failure.
43. Been overwhelmed by available genealogy technology.
44. Know a cousin of the 4th degree or higher.
45. Disproved a family myth through research.
46. Got a family member to let you copy photos. (Bless those cousins who share!)
47. Used a digital camera to “copy” photos or records.
48. Translated a record from a foreign language.
49. Found an immigrant ancestor’s passenger arrival record.
50. Looked at census records on microfilm, not on the computer.
51. Used microfiche.
52. Visited the Family History Library in Salt Lake City (Would love to!)
53. Visited more than one LDS Family History Center.
54. Visited a church or place of worship of one of your ancestors.
55. Taught a class in genealogy.
56. Traced ancestors back to the 18th Century.
57. Traced ancestors back to the 17th Century.
58. Traced ancestors back to the 16th Century.
59. Can name all of your great-great-grandparents. (I have a missing link...long story!)
60. Found an ancestor’s Social Security application.
61. Know how to determine a soundex code without the help of a computer.
62. Used Steve Morse’s One-Step searches.
63. Own a copy of Evidence Explained by Elizabeth Shown Mills.
64. Helped someone find an ancestor using records you had never used for your own research.
65. Visited the main National Archives building in Washington, DC. (long ago...)
66. Visited the Library of Congress. (again, long ago!)
67. Have an ancestor who came over on the Mayflower.
68. Have an ancestor who fought in the Civil War.
69. Taken a photograph of an ancestor’s tombstone.
70. Became a member of the Association of Graveyard Rabbits.
71. Can read a church record in Latin.
72. Have an ancestor who changed their name.
73. Joined a Rootsweb mailing list.
74. Created a family website.
75. Have more than one "genealogy" blog.
76. Was overwhelmed by the amount of family information received from someone.
77. Have broken through at least one brick wall
78. Visited the DAR Library in Washington D.C.
79. Borrowed a microfilm from the Family History Library through a local Family History Center.
80. Have done indexing for Family Search Indexing or another genealogy project.
81. Visited the Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. (love that library!)
82. Had an amazing serendipitous find of the "Psychic Roots" variety.
83. Have an ancestor who was a Patriot in the American Revolutionary War.
84. Have an ancestor who was a Loyalist in the American Revolutionary War.
85. Have both Patriot & Loyalist ancestors.
86. Have used Border Crossing records to locate an ancestor. (well, it was for a co-worker)
87. Use maps in my genealogy research.
88. Have a convict ancestor who was transported from the UK.
89. Found a bigamist amongst the ancestors.
90. Visited the National Archives in Kew.
91. Visited St. Catherine's House in London to find family records.
92. Found a cousin in Australia (or other foreign country). (Musician artist Jackie Orscaczky was connected on my Hungarian side, but we never did figure out the exact connection! But he looked just like my brother!)
93. Consistently cite my sources. (I should do this...!)
94. Visited a foreign country (i.e. one I don't live in) in search of ancestors. (I'd love to visit Ireland & Hungary!)
95. Can locate any document in my research files within a few minutes. (Ha!)
96. Have an ancestor who was married four times (or more).
97. Made a rubbing of an ancestors gravestone.
98. Organized a family reunion.
99. Published a family history book (on one of my families).
100. Learned of the death of a fairly close relative through research.
101. Have done the genealogy happy dance.
102. Sustained an injury doing the genealogy happy dance.
103. Offended a family member with my research.
104. Reunited someone with precious family photos or artifacts (Got a photo of our Parker ancestors to my second cousin)
Thanks Apple & Becky for this fun genealogy meme!
I'll repeat the original list below, with an update on the things I've done. Feel free to modify the list to suit your needs... If you wish to participate in the meme, simply copy the text below and paste it into your blog (or into a note on facebook or Google+ if you don't have a blog) and annotate the list accordingly. We're on the 'honor system' here, no one is going to check up on you! Participation is up to you, no tagging of other bloggers required. And, if you've done it before, you can do it again.
The list should be annotated in the following manner:
Things you have already done or found: bold face type
Things you would like to do or find: italicize (color optional)
Things you haven’t done or found and don’t care to: plain type
1. Belong to a genealogical society.
2. Researched records onsite at a court house.
3. Transcribed records.
4. Uploaded tombstone pictures to Find-A-Grave.
5. Documented ancestors for four generations (self, parents, grandparents, great-grandparents).
6. Joined Facebook.
7. Helped to clean up a run-down cemetery.
8. Joined the Genea-Bloggers Group on Facebook.
9. Attended a genealogy conference.
10. Lectured at a genealogy conference.
11. Spoke on a genealogy topic at a local genealogy society.
12. Been the editor of a genealogy society newsletter.
13. Contributed to a genealogy society publication.
14. Served on the board or as an officer of a genealogy society.
15. Got lost on the way to a cemetery.
16. Talked to dead ancestors.
17. Researched outside the state in which I live.
18. Knocked on the door of an ancestral home and visited with the current occupants. (I'd love to go to my Grandpa Larkins home!)
19. Cold called a distant relative.
20. Posted messages on a surname message board.
21. Uploaded a gedcom file to the internet.
22. Googled my name.
23. Performed a random act of genealogical kindness.
24. Researched a non-related family, just for the fun of it.
25. Have been paid to do genealogical research. (Well it was a donation...does that count?)
26. Earn a living (majority of income) from genealogical research.
27. Wrote a letter (or email) to a previously unknown relative.
28. Contributed to one of the genealogy carnivals.
29. Responded to messages on a message board or forum.
30. Was injured while on a genealogy excursion.
31. Participated in a genealogy meme.
32. Created family history gift items (calendars, cookbooks, etc.).
33. Performed a record lookup for someone else.
34. Went on a genealogy seminar cruise. (I certainly WISH I could!)
35. Am convinced that a relative must have arrived here from outer space.
36. Found a disturbing family secret.
37. Told others about a disturbing family secret.
38. Combined genealogy with crafts (family picture quilt, scrapbooking).
39. Think genealogy is a passion not a hobby.
40. Assisted finding next of kin for a deceased person (Unclaimed Persons).
41. Taught someone else how to find their roots.
42. Lost valuable genealogy data due to a computer crash or hard drive failure.
43. Been overwhelmed by available genealogy technology.
44. Know a cousin of the 4th degree or higher.
45. Disproved a family myth through research.
46. Got a family member to let you copy photos. (Bless those cousins who share!)
47. Used a digital camera to “copy” photos or records.
48. Translated a record from a foreign language.
49. Found an immigrant ancestor’s passenger arrival record.
50. Looked at census records on microfilm, not on the computer.
51. Used microfiche.
52. Visited the Family History Library in Salt Lake City (Would love to!)
53. Visited more than one LDS Family History Center.
54. Visited a church or place of worship of one of your ancestors.
55. Taught a class in genealogy.
56. Traced ancestors back to the 18th Century.
57. Traced ancestors back to the 17th Century.
58. Traced ancestors back to the 16th Century.
59. Can name all of your great-great-grandparents. (I have a missing link...long story!)
60. Found an ancestor’s Social Security application.
61. Know how to determine a soundex code without the help of a computer.
62. Used Steve Morse’s One-Step searches.
63. Own a copy of Evidence Explained by Elizabeth Shown Mills.
64. Helped someone find an ancestor using records you had never used for your own research.
65. Visited the main National Archives building in Washington, DC. (long ago...)
66. Visited the Library of Congress. (again, long ago!)
67. Have an ancestor who came over on the Mayflower.
68. Have an ancestor who fought in the Civil War.
69. Taken a photograph of an ancestor’s tombstone.
70. Became a member of the Association of Graveyard Rabbits.
71. Can read a church record in Latin.
72. Have an ancestor who changed their name.
73. Joined a Rootsweb mailing list.
74. Created a family website.
75. Have more than one "genealogy" blog.
76. Was overwhelmed by the amount of family information received from someone.
77. Have broken through at least one brick wall
78. Visited the DAR Library in Washington D.C.
79. Borrowed a microfilm from the Family History Library through a local Family History Center.
80. Have done indexing for Family Search Indexing or another genealogy project.
81. Visited the Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. (love that library!)
82. Had an amazing serendipitous find of the "Psychic Roots" variety.
83. Have an ancestor who was a Patriot in the American Revolutionary War.
84. Have an ancestor who was a Loyalist in the American Revolutionary War.
85. Have both Patriot & Loyalist ancestors.
86. Have used Border Crossing records to locate an ancestor. (well, it was for a co-worker)
87. Use maps in my genealogy research.
88. Have a convict ancestor who was transported from the UK.
89. Found a bigamist amongst the ancestors.
90. Visited the National Archives in Kew.
91. Visited St. Catherine's House in London to find family records.
92. Found a cousin in Australia (or other foreign country). (Musician artist Jackie Orscaczky was connected on my Hungarian side, but we never did figure out the exact connection! But he looked just like my brother!)
93. Consistently cite my sources. (I should do this...!)
94. Visited a foreign country (i.e. one I don't live in) in search of ancestors. (I'd love to visit Ireland & Hungary!)
95. Can locate any document in my research files within a few minutes. (Ha!)
96. Have an ancestor who was married four times (or more).
97. Made a rubbing of an ancestors gravestone.
98. Organized a family reunion.
99. Published a family history book (on one of my families).
100. Learned of the death of a fairly close relative through research.
101. Have done the genealogy happy dance.
102. Sustained an injury doing the genealogy happy dance.
103. Offended a family member with my research.
104. Reunited someone with precious family photos or artifacts (Got a photo of our Parker ancestors to my second cousin)
Thanks Apple & Becky for this fun genealogy meme!
John Hunt
John Hunt, an early resident of Erie County, Ohio, is buried at the Bloomingville Cemetery. He died on September 6, 1834, at the age of 60. Mr. Hunt's tombstone features a draped urn and stars on each side of the urn.
Bloomingville Cemetery,
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Sentimental Sunday: Birthday Photo from Long Ago
This snapshot was from my first birthday, a long time ago! The party was held at the first home I lived in, a small house in Crystal Rock, Ohio, right on Sandusky Bay. Pictured from left to right are: Patsy Parker, Christie Meyers, Mary Lou Lakner, and Paulette Rice. In the front is one year old Dorene, and her mother, Joyce Parker Orshoski.
Crystal Rock
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Frank Stible, Civil War Veteran, Newspaper Publisher, and Detective
Frank Stible, a Veteran of the Civil War, is buried in Sandusky's Oakland Cemetery. The Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System lists Frank Stible as having served with Company M in the First Ohio Heavy Artillery. Records on file with Erie County Probate Court indicate that Frank Stible married Christine Graves in Erie County, Ohio on September 26, 1876. The 1880 U.S. Census for Erie County shows that Frank Stible was residing on Hancock Street at that time. He was age 36, and his wife Christine was 30. They had a three year old little girl named Aggie, and Frank stated that his occupation was Superintendent of the State Arsenal. Sadly, Aggie died in 1887 when she was only nine years old. Hewson Peeke wrote in his 1916 book A STANDARD HISTORY OF ERIE COUNTY that Frank Stible was the publisher of the Sandusky Journal, a Democratic newspaper, from March of 1886 until January of 1887. The Journal was a a rival newspaper of the Sandusky Register, which was Republican in its view, and was published by another Civil War veteran, I.F. Mack.
According to news headlines in the Chicago Tribune, Frank Stible moved to Chicago where he worked as a detective from 1896 until his death in 1901. The Chicago Tribune of August 10, 1901 reported that Frank Stible, assistant superintendent of the Bureau of Identification, had died suddenly on August 9, 1901 as a result of heart problems. The article stated that Frank Stible was known in the Police department as "Grover Cleveland's double",due to his uncanny resemblance to Grover Cleveland. The remains of Frank Stible were taken to Sandusky, Ohio, where he was buried in Sandusky's Oakland Cemetery. A Masonic emblem decorates the grave marker of Frank Stible. Mrs. Stible survived her husband for several years. She died on September 23, 1938, and she was also buried at Oakland Cemetery.
Oakland Cemetery,
Friday, September 9, 2011
Alexander Hornig

Alexander Hornig was born in 1841 in Germany, but he came to the United States as a young man. In the 1880 U.S. Census for Erie County, Alexander stated that his occupation was marble cutter. The 1902 Sandusky City Directory listed the "marble works" of Alexander Hornig as being located on the south side of Milan Road, opposite Oakland Cemetery.
During the Civil War, Alexander Hornig served in Company D of the 41st Ohio Volunteer Infantry. In 1887, Alexander was issued a patent for a millstone pick. The patent number was Number 366, 959.The millstone pick was the type that was used by stone cutters and masons.
Alexander Hornig died on September 12, 1913. He was survived by his wife Nettie, two daughters, and two sons. He was buried in Oakland Cemetery, across the road from the marble works, where he worked for many years. Obituaries for Alexander Hornig appeared in the Sandusky Register on September 13, September 15, September 16, and September 19 of 1913.
Marble Works
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Gottlob Hermann/Gottlieb Herman
In the 1900 U.S. Census, Gottlieb Herman (spelled Gottlob Hermann on his tombstone) was residing in Sandusky,Ohio with his wife Lizzie, and Edward, age 20, and Mary age 15. Records at Family Search indicate that on August 24, 1882 Gottlieb married Elizabeth Kilcher. Gottlieb and Elizabeth were both born in Germany, as were both of their parents.
On September 5, 1921, Gottlieb Herman died at his home on Center Street, at age 77. Funeral services for Gottlieb Herman were held at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Chester Witzel, on Thursday, September 8, under the auspices of the I.O.O.F. Rev. Buxton of Huron officiated, and burial was at Sandusky's Oakland Cemetery. An I.O.O.F. symbol, which features three links representing Friendship, Love, and Truth, is found on the tombstone of Gottlieb Herman/Gottlob Herman.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Elizabeth Marshall Cross

My great great great grandmother, Elizabeth Marshall Cross, was born in Germany in 1845. Her father was Nicholas Marshall (sometimes spelled Marschall) who was born in 1815 in Licherode, Hesse, Germany. According to the book SANDUSKY THEN AND NOW, Nicholas was first married to Ann Elisabeth Schmidt, and secondly to Catherine Elisabeth Erckmann. (Unfortunately we do not have enough information to know if Elizabeth Marshall was the daughter of Anna or Catherine Marshall. )The Marshall family settled in Sandusky, Ohio in 1848. In the 1850 census the family appeared in Portland Township in Erie County, Ohio. Portland Township was an early name for a portion of the city of Sandusky. Nicholas was 34 in 1850. His wife Catherine was 31. Elizabeth was listed as being age 6, and her brother Ernst was 10 years old. The census enumerator wrote down Ernst's name as Antz, but all other records list his name as Ernst. During the Civil War, Elizabeth's brother Ernst Marshall and her future husband James Cross both served as Union soldiers. She must have spent many hours hoping and praying for their safe return.

On July 1, 1867, Elizabeth Marshall married James Cross. In the Civil War pension file of James Cross, we see a listing of the children of James and Elizabeth. (Double click on the image below for an enlarged view.)

In the 1870 Census, Elizabeth and James Cross were living in the home of James Cross's widowed father, a native of England. They had two little children, and the James' brother and sister also lived with them. By 1880, Elizabeth and James had six childen. Elizabeth's oldest son, Nicholas Charles Cross, became a Brother with the Xaverian Brothers. In a biographical sketch of Nicholas Charles Cross, who became known as Brother Sulpicius, I read that though Elizabeth Marshall Cross was a convert to the Catholic Church, she read scriptures to the children every morning and evening. It is not a surprise that her son and granddaughter both devoted themselves to a life devoted to religious service.
In the 1900 Census for Erie County, James and Elizabeth Cross had only two children left at home, and Elizabeth's father Nicholas Marshall was living with them. A brother of James Cross resided with James and Elizabeth as well. Elizabeth Marshall Cross died on September 6, 1907. She was laid to rest at St. Joseph's Cemetery in Sandusky, Ohio. She spent her life nurturing others, and her family missed her deeply.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Tombstone Tuesday: Peter Harris

This over one hundred and fifty year old tombstone honors the memory of Peter Harris at Sandusky's Oakland Cemetery. According to ERIE COUNTY, OHIO, CEMETERY CENSUS BEFORE 1909, Peter Harris was born on March 29, 1814, and died on September 2, 1858. (Click on the image for a larger view.)
Oakland Cemetery
Monday, September 5, 2011
Carnival of Genealogy: What tree best represents your family’s history?
The topic for the 110th Carnival of Genealogy asks the question:
What tree best represents your family’s history?
For most of my life, I have been surrounded by Cottonwood trees that are so numerous in northern Ohio. The Ohio Department of Natural Resources states that the Eastern Cottonwood prefers moist soils, but, it adapts surprisingly well to harsh conditions, especially poor, dry soils. Cottonwood trees often grow to a height of 80 feet. In so many branches of my own family tree, my ancestors often faced harsh conditions. Julius House and his family traveled from Connecticut to Ohio in a covered wagon in 1815, and when they arrived in Ohio, they had to build their own home, and grow their own food! I feel strongly that Daniel and his young son Patrick Larkins dealt with poverty in their native land of Ireland. Great Grandma and Grandpa Parker lost their beloved family farm when the government took their land by eminent domain for the war effort during World War Two. My mom lost both her parents before she was 18 years old, but she taught us how to love and live, and be thankful for the small things. My dad had only a 10th grade education, but he was the best plumber I ever knew, and he truly lived the Golden Rule, making friends with most everyone he ever met.
Hardship builds character, and many of my German and Hungarian great grandparents dealt with discrimination, because they spoke with an accent, and they were not accustomed to the ways of America when they first arrived here. I am thankful for my hearty ancestors, who were brave, and knew how to face trials. As the cottonwood tree grows tall, so did many branches of my family tree grow to be quite large. It is a joy to learn about them, and also to hear about so many other Geneabloggers' and Graveyard Rabbits' families as well!
What tree best represents your family’s history?
For most of my life, I have been surrounded by Cottonwood trees that are so numerous in northern Ohio. The Ohio Department of Natural Resources states that the Eastern Cottonwood prefers moist soils, but, it adapts surprisingly well to harsh conditions, especially poor, dry soils. Cottonwood trees often grow to a height of 80 feet. In so many branches of my own family tree, my ancestors often faced harsh conditions. Julius House and his family traveled from Connecticut to Ohio in a covered wagon in 1815, and when they arrived in Ohio, they had to build their own home, and grow their own food! I feel strongly that Daniel and his young son Patrick Larkins dealt with poverty in their native land of Ireland. Great Grandma and Grandpa Parker lost their beloved family farm when the government took their land by eminent domain for the war effort during World War Two. My mom lost both her parents before she was 18 years old, but she taught us how to love and live, and be thankful for the small things. My dad had only a 10th grade education, but he was the best plumber I ever knew, and he truly lived the Golden Rule, making friends with most everyone he ever met.
Hardship builds character, and many of my German and Hungarian great grandparents dealt with discrimination, because they spoke with an accent, and they were not accustomed to the ways of America when they first arrived here. I am thankful for my hearty ancestors, who were brave, and knew how to face trials. As the cottonwood tree grows tall, so did many branches of my family tree grow to be quite large. It is a joy to learn about them, and also to hear about so many other Geneabloggers' and Graveyard Rabbits' families as well!
Family Tree
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Eleutheros Cooke House
In 1995, Estelle M. Dorn bequeathed the Eleutheros Cooke House to the Ohio Historical Society. The Cooke House was built by Eleutheros Cooke, Sandusky's first lawyer, in 1843-1844. It originally was located in downtown Sandusky, but was later moved to 1415 Columbus Avenue in the 1870's. A total of three families have lived at 1415 Columbus Avenue. The last owners were Randolph and Estelle Dorn. They purchased the house in the 1950's. The Dorns redecorated the house, and the Cooke House today looks as it did when Mr. and Mrs. Dorn resided there.
Image courtesy WikiPedia
Eleutheros Cooke served in Congress as Representative from Ohio from 1831 to 1833. His son Jay Cooke, was well known as a financier during the Civil War. According to his Congressional biography, Eleutheros Cooke died in Sandusky, Ohio, on December 27, 1864, and he was buried at St. Paul’s Episcopal Churchyard, in Elkins Park, Pennsylvania.
The Eleutheros Cooke House is open from Noon to 3 p.m., Tuesday through Friday; and Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., from April to December. Admission is free. This historic home is managed by The Old House Guild of Sandusky.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Leontine E. Butler

At the time of her death, Leontine E. Butler was the only child of Sandusky residents Jay C. Butler and his wife Elizabeth Hubbard Butler. An article in the September 5, 1877 issue of the Sandusky Register reported that Leontine E. Butler died at Mackinac, Michigan on Monday, September 3rd, at the age of nine months. She was buried in Sandusky's Oakland Cemetery. Leontine's father, Jay Caldwell Butler was a Veteran of the Civil War. His letters were published in 1930. A picture of Leontine's mother and younger sister can be seen at the Sandusky History website.

Oakland Cemetery
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