Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Frederick and Catherine Wagner
This lovely monument at Oakland Cemetery honors the memory of Frederick and Catherine (Schmidt) Wagner. In the 1867 and 1876 Sandusky city directories, Fred Wagner is listed as a saloon keeper. His business was on Jackson Street, south of Water Street. In the 1880 U.S. Census, Fred Wagner, age 45, and his wife Kate, age 39, lived in Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio. Both stated that their birthplace was Germany. They had a large family, that included:
Fred, age 18
Caroline, age 15
Louisa, age 12
Katie, age 6
Lotta, age 2
Frederick Wagner died in 1881, and he was buried at Oakland Cemetery on June 2, 1881. His cause of death was consumption, which we now know as tuberculosis.
Catherine/Catherina died in 1912, and she was buried at Oakland Cemetery on July 8, 1912.
Rest in peace, Fred and Catherine Wagner.
Saturday, June 27, 2015
The Puzzle of Anora Tracy/Tracey
In the 1880 U.S. Census, Anora Tracey, age 18, was residing in Perkins Township, Erie County, with my ancestors, Daniel and Johanna Larkins. She was enumerated as their granddaughter.
The only two daughters of Daniel and Johanna that I know of, became Mrs. Patrick Kelly of Elgin, Illinois, and Mrs. Thomas McClain of Bellevue, Ohio. So far I have not tracked down a birth record for Anora Tracey, or any prior marriage of Daniel's two daughters. When Anora Tracey married James Jordan in Erie County, Ohio, in April, 1883, Daniel Larkins signed for her.
By searching creatively on FamilySearch.org, I determined that Anora Tracey was born in Sandusky. This information was listed on the marriage record of Anora's daughter Mary Jordan to Herman Henry in South Bend, Indiana. The St. Joseph County Public Library had an awesome obituary index, where I found a listing for Nora Tracy Jordan, who died in February of 1940. The staff of the St. Joseph County Public Library mailed me two obituaries for Nora Tracy Jordan, which stated that she was indeed born in Sandusky, Ohio. Nora Tracy Jordan was buried in the St. Joseph Cemetery in Mishiwaka, Indiana.
Though I know her place of birth and death, I still cannot figure out if Anora Tracy was truly a biological granddaughter of Daniel and Johanna Larkins, or who her parents were, but I was thrilled to learn more about this elusive female who once made her home in Erie County, Ohio! If I get more details about Anora/Nora, I will share them!
The only two daughters of Daniel and Johanna that I know of, became Mrs. Patrick Kelly of Elgin, Illinois, and Mrs. Thomas McClain of Bellevue, Ohio. So far I have not tracked down a birth record for Anora Tracey, or any prior marriage of Daniel's two daughters. When Anora Tracey married James Jordan in Erie County, Ohio, in April, 1883, Daniel Larkins signed for her.
By searching creatively on FamilySearch.org, I determined that Anora Tracey was born in Sandusky. This information was listed on the marriage record of Anora's daughter Mary Jordan to Herman Henry in South Bend, Indiana. The St. Joseph County Public Library had an awesome obituary index, where I found a listing for Nora Tracy Jordan, who died in February of 1940. The staff of the St. Joseph County Public Library mailed me two obituaries for Nora Tracy Jordan, which stated that she was indeed born in Sandusky, Ohio. Nora Tracy Jordan was buried in the St. Joseph Cemetery in Mishiwaka, Indiana.
Though I know her place of birth and death, I still cannot figure out if Anora Tracy was truly a biological granddaughter of Daniel and Johanna Larkins, or who her parents were, but I was thrilled to learn more about this elusive female who once made her home in Erie County, Ohio! If I get more details about Anora/Nora, I will share them!
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Sartorius Monument at St. Mary's Cemetery
The monument honoring the Sartorius family at St. Mary's Cemetery in Sandusky is very beautiful. The top portion comes to a peak, as in the roof of a house. On the left and right side of the monument are the Greek symbols for Alpha and Omega, which represent the beginning and the end. According to his death certificate, Louis Charles Sartorius was born in Baden, Germany on December 14, 1830, to Anton and Elizabeth (Halt) Sartorius, and his wife's maiden name was Margaret Young. Louis Charles Sartorius died at the age of 93, on March 4, 1924.
Mrs. Margaret Young Sartorius died on August 11, 1899, at the age of 55.
Sadly, the son of Louis C. and Margaret Sartorius died on May 18, 1902, at the age of 32. He was taken from this earth too soon.
Many other members of the Sartorius family are buried at the St. Mary's Cemetery in Sandusky, Ohio.
Monday, June 22, 2015
Andrew, Mowing Lawn at Castalia Cemetery
After graduating from EHOVE, my nephew Andrew has a summer job mowing at the cemeteries of Margaretta Township in Erie County, Ohio. Today I caught up with him for a moment at the Castalia Cemetery. What a terrific job for the nephew of a Graveyard Rabbit! Good job Andrew! He will run into many of his ancestors' tombstones while he is mowing. Below are the tombstones of his great grandmother and great uncle on the Orshoski side.
Another Andrew in the family, my great uncle, also mowed lawns in Margaretta Township. Uncle Andy was always proud of this care of the football field at Margaretta High School!
Sunday, June 21, 2015
Thoughts on the Trees and Forests of Ohio
The picture above was taken this summer in a wooded area adjacent to the Perkins Township Cemetery in Erie County, Ohio. It caused me to ponder on what the land in Ohio looked like in the early 1800s. When my House and Young ancestors settled in Ohio, much of the newly formed state was covered in woods. This chart shows the varieties of trees that were once in Ohio.
The chart appeared in the Ohio Journal of Science, volume 25, issue 3, in an article entitled The Natural Vegetation of Ohio, by Paul Bigelow Sears. Julius House, my ancestor from Glastonbury, Connecticut, and his family and neighbors had to clear the land, build cabins, and till the land in order to provide food for their families. Somehow I think the land may have look similar to the woods that is currently next to the Perkins Cemetery, where many of my House ancestors found their final resting place, along with my son and my parents. I too will someday be buried at the Perkins Cemetery. The wooded area reminds me of the cycle of life, and how death too is a part of life.The trees also remind me of peace and solitude, which is evoked when you see a tombstone that reads "Rest in Peace."
Friday, June 19, 2015
Edwin A. Sprau, Baseball Enthusiast

Wednesday, June 17, 2015
A Piece of the Puzzle of "Where Was Daniel Larkins' Homeland?"
Tonight I was just browsing through Newspaper Archives, and I found a reference to the homeland of my ancestor Daniel Larkins! Here is the article as it appeared in the Norwalk Reflector of November 22, 1892:
It states that Daniel Larkins was born in Tipperary County, the parish of Kilenal, near the town of Feathered, Ireland! At one time, my mom wanted to go visit every Catholic church in Tipperary, to try to find the homeland of our Larkins ancestors! I think she is smiling down from Heaven tonight!
Of course, I cannot find a parish called Kilenal, but I think this may be the correct spelling:
The town listed as Feathered in the article, may be this town in Ireland:
The map below is courtesy Google Maps.
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Tombstone Tuesday: Rosina Doegelman

In volume 10, page 201, of GERMANS TO AMERICA, Rosine Doegelmann, age 49,is listed with Leopolt Doegelmann,age 39. Rosine(sometimes spelled Rosina) and Leopolt (sometimes spelled Leopold) left from Bremen, Germany on board the ship Therese. They arrived in New York City on August 10, 1856, and their destination was given as Ohio. The location the Doegelmann's gave as where they last resided was Burgstal.
Little information is known about Leopold and Rosina Doegelmann/Doegelman. THE ERIE COUNTY CEMETERY CENSUS BEFORE 1909 lists this information for Rosina Doegelman, who is buried at St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery in Sandusky:
Rosina Doegelman
born 1807
died 1876
Leopold Doegelman died in 1889 and is also buried at St. Mary's Cemetery.
Friday, June 12, 2015
Forrest Sexton Parker
Forrest Sexton Parker was born to Forrest F. and Irene (Sexton) Parker in Boston, Massachusetts on May 16, 1899. Forrest Sexton Parker was my half-second cousin twice removed. We both trace our lineage back to Lorenda/Lorinda Stevens Sexton Steen. Forrest was the great grandson of Lorenda by her first husband, Martin Sexton. (Martin Sexton died of milk fever in 1841.) I am a descendant of Lorenda by her second husband, Charles Steen. Lorenda was a pioneer settler of Erie County, Ohio. She lived in Berlin Township and Florence Township of Erie County.
On June 12, 1949, Forrest Sexton Parker died after brief illness, at the age of 49. He had been an employee of Electrolux, and was a member of the Masonic Lodge. Funeral services were held for Mr. Parker at the Convery and Hanley Funeral Home in Connecticut, and burial was in Sandusky's Oakland Cemetery. He was survived by his widow, Mary Miller Parker, and two aunts, Miss Vivian Sexton of Sandusky, Ohio, and Mrs. Francis McCormick of Huron, Ohio. Pallbearers were: Roy Parker, Fred Martin,Jr., John Guckert, and Dr. Lyle Steen Hill.
Sunday, June 7, 2015
Sentimental Sunday: Steen Parker family in the 1930s
This week I ran into this old picture of my mother (the little girl), Joyce Parker Orshoski, her brother, Steen Thomas Parker, and my maternal grandparents, Steen and Doris (Wheeler) Parker, dated about 1934 or 1935, before baby sister Sally was born. They were most likely at the Cedar Point beach. I love the swimming apparel!
George W. Brost, 1860-1923
George W. Brost was born on November 27, 1860 to John V. and Christina Brost. In 1881, George Brost married Annie Weier. George had a variety of different jobs through the years, but in 1923 his occupation was "vulcanizer." George W. Brost died on June 11, 1923. He was survived by his wife, a son and a daughter. George W. Brost was buried at Sandusky's Oakland Cemetery. A masonic emblem is featured on his tombstone. An obituary for Mr. Brost appeared in the June 9, 1923 issue of the Sandusky Register. A large zinc monument in memory of Mr. and Mrs. J.V. Brost, and several other members of the Brost family is not far from George Brost's final resting place.
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Moritz and Mary Link Monument at St. Mary's Cemetery
This lovely monument honoring the memory of Moritz and Mary Link was erected at St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery in Sandusky, Ohio. Moritz Link, also known as Morris Link, was a native of Baden, Germany. He came to the U.S. in 1851. After settling in Sandusky, Ohio, Morris Link became a manufacturer of wine. Later he became a foreman in the Mad River Railroad warehouse. Another business venture that Mr. Link undertook was the building of the Link Block at the corner of West Washington and McDonough Street. Link's Hall, on the upper level of the structure was home to meetings, concerts, and wrestling matches for many years. Moritz/Morris Link died on March 3, 1890. Mrs. Mary Link died on June 22, 1910. Their memory lives on through many descendants still living in northern Ohio.
The cross atop the Link monument resembles portions of a tree.
Monday, June 1, 2015
Burt Eddy Taylor, 1877-1947
Burt Eddy Taylor was born in Erie County, Ohio on January 13, 1877, the son of Truman Taylor and his wife, the former Mary Eddy. Burt was descended from the Taylor and House families, who were early settlers of Perkins Township, Ohio. On the passport application pictured below, we find a physical description of Burt Eddy Taylor.
In 1902, Burt Eddy Taylor married Bellevernon Jones in Morgantown, West Virginia. After working for a time at the American Crayon Company, Burt Eddy Taylor became interested in real estate development. Because of the blossoming automobile industry, Mr. Taylor turned his efforts toward Detroit. He developed Brightmoor, Strathmore, and other Detroit subdivisions. In the process of selling properties in the subdivisions,many neighborhoods had improvements such as water, sewers, streets and sidewalks. Burt Eddy Taylor became well known in real estate circles. Sadly, Burt Eddy Taylor died on in 1947, following complications from influenza. He was buried at Woodlawn Cemetery. A lengthy obituary for Burt Eddy Taylor appeared in the Sandusky Register Star News of March 5, 1947. Mr. Taylor was survived by his widow, a sister, and two children. The Burt Eddy Taylor papers are on file in the Burton Historical Collection of the Detroit Public Library. According to a kinship report on FamilyTreeMaker, Burt Eddy Taylor is my third cousin three times removed. Burt was descended from Julia House Taylor, while I am descended from the twin brother of Julia, Julius House. Burt Eddy Taylor's life and determination reflects the pioneering spirit of those who went before him. He was truly an amazing individual!
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