Friday, May 30, 2014
Stephen and Mary Moore
Stephen Moore (1809-1860) and Mary Moore (1812-1895) are buried in the St. Joseph Catholic Cemetery in Sandusky, Ohio. In the 1855 SANDUSKY CITY DIRECTORY, Stephen Moore is listed as a laborer, residing at 149 Monroe Street in Sandusky, Ohio.
By the time of the 1860 U.S. Census, Mary is a widow. She stated that she was age 40, and was working as a washerwoman in Sandusky, Ohio. Youngsters Mary Moore, age 11, and Ann Moore, age 7, were also living with Mary Moore. By 1880, Mrs. Mary Moore was living with her brother, Joseph Dempsey. Anna was also living with the Dempsey family in 1880.
Mrs. Mary Moore passed away on June 2, 1895, in Green Creek Township, Sandusky County, Ohio. Her remains were brought back to Sandusky on the Big Four Railroad, and funeral services were held at Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church. Mrs. Mary Moore was buried next to her husband Stephen at St. Joseph Catholic Cemetery. A book adorns the top of their tombstone. An obituary for Mrs. Mary Moore appeared in the June 4, 1895 issue of the Sandusky Register.
St. Joseph Cemetery
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Soldiers' Memorial: Company G of Ohio 123rd Volunteers
While visiting the Follett House Museum this winter, I discovered the name of my ancestor, James Cross, on the "Soldiers' Memorial" in the upper most level of the museum. James Cross enlisted in military service at Monroeville on September 19, 1862, as a private in Company G of the 123rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry. At the time of his honorable discharge, at Camp Chase, Ohio on June 12, 1865, James Cross had risen to the rank of Corporal. Here is a close up of his name on the framed item:
Because of the glass on the frame, I was unable to get a better shot of the Soldiers' Memorial. You can read much more about the 123rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry in C.M. Keyes book entitled: The Military History of the 123d Regiment of Ohio Volunteer Infantry (Sandusky, Ohio: Register Steam Press, 1874), available at Google Books.Thank you for your service to our country!
Monday, May 26, 2014
Military Monday: Isaac Skillman, Civil War Veteran
Isaac N. Skillman was born in New Jersey in 1842. Hewson Peeke's A STANDARD HISTORY OF ERIE COUNTY, OHIO lists his parents as Aaron J. Skillman and Eliza A. (Van Nostrand) Skillman. Aaron Skillman moved his family from New Jersey to Michigan in 1854, and in the 1860s the family moved to Erie County, Ohio where they settled in Perkins Township. During the Civil War, Isaac Skillman served as an officer in the Third Ohio Veteran Volunteer Cavalry. After the war, Isaac Skillman moved to Grand Rapids, Michigan. Towards the end of his life, Isaac Skillman moved back to Erie County, Ohio. He died in Sandusky on March 27, 1925, and he was buried at Sandusky's Oakland Cemetery. Personal reminiscences of Isaac Skillman from his wartime service are part of the Civil War collections at the Sandusky Library Archives Research Center.
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Tuesday's Tip: The Digital Archives of Huron Public Library from Huron, Ohio
An amazing resource that is new to me this week is The Digital Archives of Huron Public Library. The web address for this online resource is:
So as not to infringe on the "Terms of Use," I will not reprint any of the articles included in The Digital Archives of Huron Public Library. My brief experience with this database, is that when I put in the surname of my grandparents, great grandparents, and aunts and uncles, there are literally hundreds of articles! I could probably search this database for a week straight, and not get tired of browsing the historical articles it retrieves! Happy hunting! Most of the articles pertain to people and events that took place in Erie County, Ohio, with a strong emphasis on Huron and Berlin Heights, Ohio. Thanks for this delightful research tool, Huron Public Library!
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Sentimental Sunday: Eulogy to Brother Charles Steen
My great great grandfather Charles F. Steen was a member of the Perkins Grange for over fifty years. Recently I found this eulogy written for him in May of 1934 by Imogene C. Dauch.
A transcription of the Eulogy reads:
May 17, 1934
Patrons, again the time has come for us to pause in sacred memory of our brothers and sisters who have been called to their Heavenly Home during the past year.
First let us turn to Ephesians, 5th chapter, 14th verse, where it is written, Wherefore he saith, Awake them that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give the light.
Brother Chas. Steen, was truly a Granger. When we can visualize belonging to one organization for more than fifty years, certainly there must be a strong bond of Fraternal fellowship to hold to.
My very first recollection when we joined Perkins Grange 20 years ago is connected with Brother Steen, having been seated at the table next to him and listening to his humor, and in all the years since that time I can recall very few meetings when he was not present, until his last illness.
Perkins Grange might well be proud of the class of "Golden Sheathes" that was honored two years ago, having had five at that time, among them Brother Steen.
Almost the entire life of Brother Steen was spent in Perkins Township and few men were more widely known throughout the County than he, having been affiliated with the Agricultural Society for years.
The entire Steen family have belonged to Perkins Grange. Sister Steen was honored at our Sixtieth Anniversary having been a Charter member and continued her membership throughout the entire time. Mrs. Ada Parker has been a member for more than thirty years. Mrs. Martin and Rollin Steen having joined Perkins Grange, but are no affiliated at the present Time.
Our Heavenly Father, saw fit to call Brother Steen home on August 12, 1933, there to await the coming of those he held most dear to him.
Christian Organizations who hold their Memorial Service at this season of the year are truly blest, for all around we see god's wonders speaking to us in ones of love and faith,
May we
So live that when thy summons comes to join
The innumerable caravan that moves
To that mysterious realm, where each shall take
His chamber in the silent halls of death,
Then go not, like the quarry-slave at night,
Scourged to his dungeon, but, sustained and soothed
By an unfaltering trust, approach thy grave
Like one who wraps the drapery of his couch
About him, and lies down to pleasant dreams.
Imogene C. Dauch
What a lovely tribute to Great Great Grandpa Charlie! I so wish I could have known him in person! I appreciate the reference to his sense of humor, as several of his descendants also have a wonderful sense of humor.
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Wednesday's Child: "A Lamb of the Upper Fold"
In the 1900 U.S. Census, young Ethel Holderbaum was age 6, and she resided in Ward 4 of Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio, with her parents, George and Mary Holderbaum. Ethel's father George died in 1902, when he was only 37 years old. Below is a transcription of a letter that Ethel wrote to Santa, which appeared in the December 20, 1902 issue of the Sandusky Evening Star.
Dear Santa,
I am going to hang my stocking by the fire. I want a lamp and a story book. I wonder if you are coming on a wheel or in a sleigh. And I want a game. I am in the second grade. I guess that will be all.
Ethel Holderbaum, age 9
921 East Adams Street
Sadly, Ethel Holderbaum died from tuberculosis on May 14, 1905. She was buried near her father's grave in Block 90 at Sandusky's Oakland Cemetery. Her tombstone is adorned with a lovely lamb, and the inscription at the base of her stone reads: A Lamb of the Upper Fold. Ethel had a short life on earth, marked by illness and the loss of her father. In spite of these obstacles, her letter to Santa shows that she had hopes and dreams of a wonderful Christmas in 1902. May she rest in peace.
Monday, May 12, 2014
Celebrate International Museum Day on May 17, 2014
On Saturday, May 17, 2014, several museums in Sandusky and Milan, Ohio will be free and open to the public from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Read more about it here. This is a wonderful opportunity to enjoy some of our area's great museums, and learn about the rich history of Erie County, Ohio. Participating in International Museum Day in Erie County will be: The Eleutheros Cooke House and Garden, the Follett House Museum, the Maritime Museum of Sandusky, the Erie County Civil War Sesquicentennial Committee, the Merry-Go-Round Museum, the Ohio Veterans Home Museum, Edison Birthplace, and the Milan Historical Museum.
Saturday, May 10, 2014
Shopping Saturday: "Good Clothes for Sturdy Boys"
In the May 12, 1911 issue of the Sandusky Star Journal is an advertisement for boys' clothing from the Mayer Lebensburger Company, located on Market Street in downtown Sandusky. One item that was featured was a wash suit. The ad stated, "If the Little Fellow is going to spend the summer in the sand pile, give him two or three of our good Wash Suits- materials of Cheviot, madras, Ginghams, Galateas, Linens, etc. -Russian or Sailor styles, sizes 3 to 7 years.
!1.00, !1.25, $1.50 and $1.75
WASH? Just drop the Boy into the tub, clothes and all, and it won't hurt the clothes any more than it will the boy."
What a clever idea, to wash the clothing with the youngster still wearing it! These vintage ads give us an idea of what type of things our ancestors read in the paper. I wonder if my great grandfathers ever wore a "wash suit."
!1.00, !1.25, $1.50 and $1.75
WASH? Just drop the Boy into the tub, clothes and all, and it won't hurt the clothes any more than it will the boy."
What a clever idea, to wash the clothing with the youngster still wearing it! These vintage ads give us an idea of what type of things our ancestors read in the paper. I wonder if my great grandfathers ever wore a "wash suit."
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Wednesday's Child: Leonard Paul Ludwig
Leonard Paul Ludwig was the son of Rev. Leonhard and Helena Ludwig, born in 1925. Rev. Ludwig's family had formerly resided in Sandusky, Ohio. In 1919, Rev. Ludwig answered a call to serve as Pastor of a Lutheran Church in Portland, Oregon. On May 11, 1932, seven year old Leonard Paul Ludwig died in Portland, Oregon at Emanuel Hospital. His remains were brought back to Sandusky, Ohio, where he was buried at Oakland Cemetery. References to two passages from the Bible appear on the tombstone of Leonard Paul Ludwig: Job 1:21 and Mark 10:14. Though this little boy passed away over 80 years ago, his memory is still honored with flowers. Rest in peace little one. An obituary for Leonard Paul Ludwig appeared in the June 3, 1932 issue of the Sandusky Register.
Sunday, May 4, 2014
Telling a Story with
At the recent GenEx2014 Conference in Sandusky, Ohio, Thomas MacEntee inspired us to tell our family stories. One of the free tools to do this is found at:
The first story I told is about my mother, Joyce Parker Orshoski.
The second story I told is about my father, Paul R. Orshoski, Sr.
Keep in mind that I am a rank amateur at using this "new to me" software. Click on the links below the images to get to the actual stories. Have fun telling your own family story at !!
The first story I told is about my mother, Joyce Parker Orshoski.
The second story I told is about my father, Paul R. Orshoski, Sr.
Saturday, May 3, 2014
David Campbell

David Campbell married Mary Jones Todd in 1817. Mary died in 1855. His second wife was Harriet West, the daughter of Abel and Matilda West.
David Campbell is buried in Sandusky’s Oakland Cemetery. On his tombstone are inscribed the words “An Honest Man.”
Sandusky Clarion,
Friday, May 2, 2014
Fun and Learning at GenEx2014
This week I have been enjoying the many sessions at the 2014 Annual Conference of the Ohio Genealogical Society, known as GenEx2014. The conference is being held at Kalahari in Sandusky, Ohio, and has plenty of room for the several hundred attendees.
Everywhere you look, the Kalahari Convention Center is decorated in an African motif. The sessions are led by "Safari Guides" as we are on the hunt for ancestors.
So far, I have met many genealogists, bloggers, authors, vendors, and librarians, all who have a passion to learn more about genealogy. I have learned of many new resources to dig into soon, in search of even more answers to family tree puzzles. This morning I was even able to snap a picture of one of my "Genea-Heroes," Thomas MacEntee!
Thomas gave us inspiration to tell and record our stories. If you ever get a chance to hear a lecture by Thomas MacEntee, he is funny, inspiring, and so knowledgeable in genealogy and social media!
Thanks so much to the Ohio Genealogical Society, for bringing such a fabulous conference to my home county!
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Wildman Mills, 1831-1894
Wildman Mills, according to the Portrait and Biographical Album of Sanilac County (Chapman Brothers, 1884), was born in Erie County, Ohio on September 17, 1831. His parents were Isaac Augustus Mills and Sophia Lyman Mills. Wildman's grandfather was Judge Isaac Mills, one of the co-founders of the city of Sandusky, Ohio. Wildman Mills moved to Sanilac County, Michigan in the 1860s. He was active in several business ventures, including real estate, lumber, railroads, and farming. The town of Sandusky, Michigan, was named by Wildman Mills, in honor of the place of his birth, Sandusky, Ohio. In 1858, Wildman Mills married Julia Moss, and they had five children. After Wildman Mill died in Croswell, Michigan, his remains were returned to Sandusky, Ohio for burial at Oakland Cemetery.
Mills Street, Mills School, Mills Creek, and Mills Golf Course in Sandusky, Ohio, are all named in honor of the Mills family.
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