Lewis House married Miss Jennie Parker, a sister of George B. Parker. (Lewis House and Marion House were siblings, and they married siblings, Jennie Parker and George B. Parker.) Lewis and Jennie Parker House had one child who survived infancy, Miss Ada Parker. Jennie Parker House died when she was only 31 years old. Lewis House married Dollie Veader, following the death of his first wife. Lewis and Dollie were that parents of eight children: Guy W., Ethel, Byron, Annabelle, Rachel, Alta, Lois and Faye.
When he was 90 years old, Lewis House died at his home in Berlin Township of Erie County. His obituary was carried in the November 1, 1949 issue of the Sandusky Star Journal. Lewis W. House was buried with his second wife Dollie, in the Perkins Cemetery.
Below is an article from the March 31, 1941 issue of the Cleveland Plain Dealer. The article reported that Lewis W. House, the second oldest resident of the area of Perkins Township which was taken over by the U.S. Government during the Second World War for a munitions factory, was upset by having to leave his home and soil that he and several of his neighbors and relatives loved so well.