This beautiful tombstone is found in Block 77 of Sandusky's Oakland Cemetery. The inscription is in German, so I am guessing this stone honors the memory of a female of German descent, who was born in 1832 or 1833 and passed away in 1872. Her first name may be Annie, but I cannot read her last name. The tombstone was created by Christian Schlenk. The top portion of the tombstone features sculpted cording, and the lovely female face is adorned with flowers.

This mysterious tombstone is close to grave markers of members of the Wilken, Schoepflin, and Krawetzke families, so she may be related to one of these families. If anyone knows the identity of the name on this lovely tombstone, please leave a message in the comments field. Thanks!

Hi Dorene, Not sure how to actually contact you so I am making a random post.
I am looking for a post which was supposedly from the Sandusky Register August 22, 1876 issue which says something like "POLLY, wife of CYRUS STRONG died Oct. 3d, 1823; Æ. 57 years...
I have been unable to confirm it. I believe this may be "MY" Mary "Polly" LINNABERRY who married "MY" Cyrus STRONG. I think the age should be "37 years" rather than "57 years".
Can you help me out?
Sharon Lemkuil
Oh! Cyrus married four more times! He died in Champaign Co., IL
It is a beautiful grave marker, Dorene. How you know who created it? Is there an engraver's mark or some other indication...?
Sharon, I contacted you by email. I know how difficult those brick walls are!
Nancy, When I saw that tombstone, I couldn't take my eyes off it! It was one of those hot, hazy mornings, and kind of misty, making it look mysterious!
The name C. Schlenk is found at the bottom right of the stone. If you click on the top image twice, you can read it. I had done previous research, and I learned that Christian Schlenk was once a monument maker in Sandusky. I saw one of his stones in Oak Harbor too, in a neighboring county to me.
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