To start this challenge, I just did a Google search for genealogy and podcasts, and I landed at The Irish Roots Cafe, and I could not tear myself away! To get to the podcasts from The Irish Roots Cafe, just click on the several selections on the right side of the web page. The green rectangles feature several podcasts under these categories:
- Hello Fada
- Hedge Row School
- Irish Families Worldwide
- Irish Songs & Recitations
- Irish in America
In the podcast "Irish First Names and Spellings," you can hear the speaker pronounce several Irish first names, and learn how they evolved through time and geographical location. In the podcast on "Irish Wakes" you can hear about the customs associated with traditional Irish funerals and the celebration following the funeral. Enjoy listening to many Irish songs and readings from the selections included in Irish Songs & Recitations. You can hear the authentic pronunciations of the lyrics, and enjoy the music of Ireland. I have only scratched the surface of podcasts associated with genealogy and local history, but I certainly have enjoyed this exercise! Check out the podcasts at:
and you will have a rich learning experience!