In the Ancestor Search portion of the GRS, you can search for an ancestor who may have served in the Revolutionary War. I searched for William House from the state of Connecticut, and got this result:
William House was a private from Glastonbury, Connecticut, serving under Capt. Jonathan Hale and Col. Erastus Wolcott. His wife was the former Elizabeth Risley. Looking under the section entitled Associated Applications and Supplementals, I see a couple familiar names: Julia and Jesse Taylor. By clicking on the box with a D enclosed in it, I can see more details about a descendant of William House.
Julia House Taylor’s lineage is traced back to her Revolutionary War ancestor, William House. Also listed are birth and death dates, and the names of the locations of births and deaths. Some of the names of individuals connected with this D.A.R. record are not visible, most likely for privacy reasons.
If you know the National Number of a certain member of the D.A.R., you can search the GRS database by that National Number.
Under the third tab in the GRS database, you can search by the name of a descendant. I got this result when I entered the name of a distant cousin, Ethel House:
The birth and death dates of both Ethel House and her spouse Claude Minor are provided. Ethel’s Revolutionary War ancestor’s name is also listed: Samuel Stansbury. On the right side of this page is a link to information pertaining to how to order the D.A.R. application of the member.
This is just a very brief introduction to the D.A.R.’s Genealogical Research System. Experiment with names in your family tree to see what can be gleaned by searching this outstanding research tool!
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