Sunday, December 1, 2024

The MIddle Names of Ada and Alpha Steen

My great grandmother Ada Steen and her identical twin sister Alpha Steen were born to Charles and Sarah Milner Steen on February 3, 1880. They were close to each other throughout all their lives.

One day I go to wondering about the middle names of these precious twin girls. It turns out that the names of the twins were Alpha Huldah Steen and Ada Lorinda Steen.

You can see their full names in this copy from the Milner Family Bible, now in the collections of the Family Bibles at the R.B. Hayes Presidential Library.


A fuller view of this page from the Family Bible is:


Alpha's middle name was after her maternal grandmother, Huldah Milner Steen. Ada's middle name was after her paternal grandmother Lorinda Stevens Steen.

Below is a chart showing the parents and grandparents of Ada and Alpha Steen.


My mom told me so many stories about Great Grandma Ada Steen Parker! Charles and Sarah Steen truly loved those twins, along with their brothers Rollin and Harry, who sadly died young.