Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Getting to Know Harvey Newton Barrett

Image Courtesy Find a Grave
 Harvey Newton Barrett was born in Indiana in 1882 to Jefferson Joshua Barrett and his wife, the former Nettie Craig. By 1910, Harvey N. Barrett was residing in Margaretta Township, and he listed his occupation as chemist for the "cement works"  in the 1910 U.S. Census. In 1913, Harvey N. Barrett married Harriet Meggitt. Father Edward Graham from Holy Angels Church officiated at the wedding.

Between 1907 and 1915, Harvey N. Barrett, often along with Spencer Newberry, were issued several patents, while they were both key officials at the Medusa Cement Company in Bay Bridge, Ohio. Below is a page of Patent Number 1,162,944, for the process of making phosphate fertilizers. While the main focus of Medusa Cement Company was producing cement products, the company also looked for ways to use the byproducts of the cement making process.

Image courtesy Google Patents

When Harvey N. Barrett filled out his World War One draft registration, he listed his occupation as Superintendent of the Sandusky Cement Company in Bay Bridge, Ohio, later known as Medusa Cement Company.

By 1930, Harvey N. Barrett and his wife and their children, were residing in Tiffin, Ohio in Seneca County, where he worked as a chemist for a dolomite company. Sadly, on October 4, 1938, Harvey N. Barrett died from injuries in an automobile accident three weeks earlier. He was buried at Greenlawn Cemetery in Tiffin, Ohio.

When you see the intersection of Newberry Avenue and Barrett Road in Erie County, Ohio, you will be reminded of Spencer Newberry and Harvey N. Barrett, who were key officials at Medusa Cement Company in the first half of the twentieth century.

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