Saturday, October 27, 2018

Frederick F. Smith, Former Erie County Sheriff

Frederick F. Smith served as Erie County Sheriff from 1858 until his death on October 27, 1859. His cause of death was heart disease. Frederick F. Smith was buried at Sandusky's Oakland Cemetery. You can read more about Frederick F. Smith in the book ELECTED TO SERVE, by Patty Pascoe, at the Sandusky Library.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Mrs. Minetta Starbird, 1888-1947

Minetta May was born in 1888 to Charles May and his wife, the former Emma Herbel.  In 1911, Minetta married Wendell B. Starbird. Sadly, Wendell B. Starbird, who was a well-respected lawyer, died in 1916. In 1923, she was listed as a dress maker. In 1932,  Minetta was the proprietor of the Starbird Hotel in Sandusky. In 1942, Minetta Starbird was the owner of the Log Cabin restaurant in Bay View, Ohio. Mrs. Minetta Starbird passed away on October 18, 1947. She was survived by two brothers and a sister. Mrs. Starbird was buried at Sandusky's Oakland Cemetery.

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Maria A Thorwarth

Maria A. Thorwarth was the daughter of L. and M. Thorwarth. Her tombstone is very weathered, but it appears that Maria may have been born in the 1880s and also died during the 1880s. In the 1880 U.S. Census, Leonhard Thorwart and his wife, A. Mary Thorwart were residing in Sandusky, where Leonhard worked as a foreman in a brewery. Mr. and Mrs. Thorwarth/Thorwart were both born in Germany. There were five children in the family. A lily adorns the top of the tombstone of Maria A. Throwarth.Census records show that the Thorwarth/Thorwart family moved to Cincinnati, Ohio by 1900.

Friday, October 5, 2018

Yvonne Fievet, 1891-1992

Miss Yvonne Fievet was born in 1891 to Pierre and Hyacinth Fievet. In the  1920 U.S. Census, Yvonne was residing on Central Avenue, with her siblings and her parents. Both her parents had been born in Belgium, and spoke the French language. From 1929 to 1965, Yvonne ran Yvonne's hat shop in downtown Sandusky, Ohio. She often traveled to Cleveland to purchase hats for her shop. Yvonne Fievet lived to be 101 years of age. She passed away On October 5, 1992. She was survived by three nieces, one of whom was also named Yvonne Fievet. Funeral services for Yvonne M. Fievet were held at St. Mary's Catholic Church, and burial was at the Calvary Cemetery. Yvonne was very active in her church and community for many, many years. She was quite a lady!

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Nannie Nolan O'Keefe

Though the tombstone of Nannie O’Keefe indicates that she was born in 1879, her death record lists her birth year in Canada as 1876. Nannie was the daughter of John L. Nolan and Emma (Green) Nolan. She married Thomas Jay Keefe (sometimes listed as O’Keefe) in Lucas County, Ohio on July 15, 1902. Only four short years after she was married, Nannie Nolan O’Keefe died of tuberculosis on Apri l10, 1906. She was buried at the St. Joseph Cemetery in Sandusky, Ohio.