The Stroud monument is located in Oakland Cemetery. The names of several Stroud family members appear on the four separate sides of the monument. Facing north, are the names of Dr. C.T. Stroud, who died on October 14, 1891, and Lucy F. Stroud, who died on January 18, 1888. At the base of the monument is the Knights Templar symbol, which features the words "In Hoc Signo Vinces." The phrase means "In this sign you shall conquer." A much clearer version of the Knights Templar symbol is found at the Cemeteries and Cemetery Symbols website.
Names found on the side of the Stroud monument which faces east are: Charles E. Stroud, D.D.S., 1859-1929 and Jennie D. Stroud, 1860-1946. Dr. Charles E. Stroud was a dentist in Sandusky for many years, and he was very active in civic affairs, served in the Spanish American War, and started the first Boy Scout troop in Sandusky. An obituary for Dr. Charles E. Stroud is found in the 1929 Obituary Notebook in the genealogical collections of the Sandusky Library.

Inscribed on the panel which faces south on the Stroud monument are the names: Lamont Jarrett, 1877-1931, and his wife's name, Marcia Stroud Jarrett, 1883-1972. Marcia Stroud Jarrett was the granddaughter of Dr. C. T. Stroud, and she was the daughter of yet another area dentist, Dr. Clarence Eugene Stroud, who died in 1908.

On the panel of the Stroud monument which faces west is the name of C. Eugene Stroud, M.D., who died on January 2, 1908. The Knight Templar symbol is also found on the side of the monument which honors Dr. C. Eugene Stroud. Dr. Stroud, whose obituary is found in the January 3, 1908 issue of the Sandusky Register, was trained as both a medical doctor as well as a dentist. He was born on January 14, 1847 in New York State, and died on January 2, 1908, following an accident at his office in which a vulcanizer exploded. Dr. Stroud was seriously injured on December 13, 1907, but he survived until January 2, 1908. He was survived by his wife, the former Zenobia Boyce, a son, Allen Stroud, and a daughter, Marcia. The newspaper obituary stated that Dr. Stroud was "successful and was highly respected."

Many of the persons whose names appear on the Stroud monument also have individual grave markers at Oakland Cemetery. Pictured below are stones for Dr. Clarence Eugene Stroud, and a separate stone which honors Dr. Clarence Eugene Stroud's wife Zenobia and his daughter Marcia Stroud Jarrett.

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