Monday, November 18, 2019

Mrs. Sophia Houpt

Sophia Heyer Houpt (sometimes spelled Haupt) was born in Pennsylvania in 1818 or 1819. She married George Washington Houpt. By 1850, George W. and Sophia Houpt were residing in Chatfield in  Crawford County, Ohio. There were four  children in the household at this time, ranging in age from ages two to eight, all born in Pennsylvania. Sadly, Mrs. Sophia Houpt died on November 18, 1875. She was buried in the cemetery adjacent to the Lutheran Church in Chatfield, now known as Nazareth Lutheran Church. Sophia's tombstone features a hand pointing down, and grasping a broken chain, which symbolizes the Lord reaching down and breaking the chains of death.

Mrs. Sophia Houpt's tombstone is located in a beautiful, peaceful rural setting.

Rest in peace, Sophia Houpt.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you explained the finger pointing down! Very interesting.
