Sunday, November 24, 2019

Langhorne Monument at Rock Creek Cemetery

Photograph by T. Renwand

This beautiful ornate cross at Rock Creek Cemetery in Washington D.C. honors the memory of the Langhorne family. John Devall Langhorne was an early graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy. He took part in the naval attack on Vera Cruz in 1847.  In 1853, John retired from the Navy and he started a banking business in Lynchburg, Virginia. In 1884, he moved his family to Washington D.C. Mr. Langhorne died at the age of 91 on November 24, 1915. John D. Langhorne was survived by eight children at the time of his death. An obituary for John D. Langhorne appeared in the November 26, 1915 issue of the New York Times.

Photo credit: Thank you to my nephew for taking this picture.

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