Saturday, February 10, 2018

Great Great Grandpa Charles Steen's Mustache

Tonight's Saturday Night Genealogy Fun has the topic of relative's facial hair. In the few pictures I have ever seen of my great great grandfather Charles F. Steen, he always has a mustache.  Even in this low quality early image of him he is sporting a mustache.

Grandpa Charles Steen died long before I came along, but his daughter, Ada Steen Parker, left articles about him in a treasured family scrapbook. From those I learned that Grandpa Steen was devoted to his family, and worked hard on the family farm in Perkins Township, Erie County, Ohio. He was active in the Methodist Church, the Grange, and the Erie County Agricultural Society. Below is a family picture with Grandpa Steen, his wife Sarah, twin daughters Ada and Alpha, and young son Rollin. Of course, Great Great Grandpa Steen has a mustache!

Last year a cousin scanned this image of Grandpa Steen. He is seen with a friend. He is the man on the right.

How I wish I could have had a conversation with my Great Great Grandfather Steen!!

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