Thursday, February 15, 2018

Dr. Ernst Von Schulenburg, 1849-1907

In the 1880 U.S. Census, Ernst Von Schulenburg stated that he had been born in Germany in December, 1849. In 1880 he was 50 years of age, and was a medical physician by profession. For several years, Dr. Von Schulenburg was also a Protestant minister in Sandusky. The doctor's wife was Elisabeth, age 43. They had two daughters, Emma, aged 22, and Etta, aged 18. Dr. Ernst Von Schulenburg is remembered for having written a book which gave the history of the citizens of Sandusky of German descent, and described the many businesses, clubs, and organizations to which those German-American citizens belonged.The book was entitled SANDUSKY EINST UND JETZT. This title is available full text at Google Books, but the text is in the German language. You can find an English translation of SANDUSKY THEN AND NOW at Sandusky Library, and many other libraries in northern Ohio. On February 11, 1907, Dr. Von Schulenburg passed away at the age of 57. His cause of death at Erie County Probate Court was given as "dropsy." Dr. Von Schulenburg is buried at Oakland Cemetery in Block 107.

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