Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Mrs. Carrie Annie Corell, Died in 1870

Mrs. Carrie Annie Corell, wife of William J. Corell, died from typhoid fever early on December 6, 1870. She was not yet 18 years old at the time of her death, which took place the same year that she got married. Mrs. Corell's maiden name was Carrie A. Gamble. An article in the Highland Weekly News of December 22, 1870 stated that Carrie had formerly resided in Highland County, Ohio. She was a member of the M.E. Church, and her deep faith had supported her in her final hours. Immediately before her passing, she recited Psalm 23, and sang hymns. Carrie A. Corell was buried in block 8 of Sandusky's Oakland Cemetery. Carrie's husband William, re-married, and moved to Detroit, Michigan, where he worked at the Fisher Body Company. A verse is inscribed on Carrie's tombstone, but it is too weathered to read. At the bottom right of her stone is the signature of the monument maker. It too is quite weathered, but I am reasonably certain that it reads P. Hornig.

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