Sunday, September 25, 2016

Another Look at the Tombstone of E.H. Wetherell

Recently on a pleasant evening I noticed the tombstone of E. W. Wetherell in Block 9 of Sandusky's Oakland Cemetery. Masonic emblems adorn the top of his tombstone. It is so sad that Edward H. Wetherell died at age 35 on September 25, 1857.

When I looked at the back of the tombstone of E.H. Wetherell I noticed an inscription that I had not seen before. It read:

Erected by
The Employees
of Sandusky, Dayton
& Cincinnati RR

Low's Railroad Directory lists a relative of E.H. Wetherell, named W.W. Wetherell, as the wood agent of the Sandusky, Dayton and Cincinnati Railroad.

Perhaps both men were employed by this railroad, or it is possible that the employees wanted to honor W.W. Wetherell by having this tombstone erected in honor of E. H. Wetherell.

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