Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Watkins Monument at Rock Creek Cemetery, Washington, D.C.

Photograph by T. Renwand

This monument at Rock Creek Cemetery in Washington, D.C. honors the memory of Nicholas Watkins (1834-1911) and his young son, Paul Watkins (1891-1896.) This obituary from volume 40 of the Typographical Journal provides details about the life of Nicholas Watkins.

A transcription of this article reads:

The death of the venerable Nicholas Watkins, which occurred in this city on December 29, 1911, removes an honored member of the printers' craft. Mr. Watkins, who was born in Maryland almost seventy-eight years ago, gave a long life to the printing business, the learning of which he commenced before he had reached the age of 10 in the city of Annapolis, and where in after years he made an enviable reputation as superintendent of the state printing. He came to Washington about 1860, and has been for many years an employee of the government printing office, most of the time as a proofreader, holding a place in the job proof room of that institution at the time of his death. Until the weight of years became heavy upon him, Mr. Watkins was active and influential in the affairs of Columbia Union and of the old Columbia Typographical Society, which was its predecessor. In 1875, which is referred to as a time of trouble and stress in the affairs of the organization, he was its president, and in that year it is said that, with a single exception, every member of the union outside of the government printing office voted for him—a most remarkable record.

Nicholas Watkins died on December 29, 1911. He was laid to rest at Rock Creek Cemetery in Washington D.C.  Paul Watkins, the young son of Nicholas and Mary A. Watkins, is buried in the same lot as his father.

Photo credit: Thank you to my nephew Tony for taking this photograph.

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