Sunday, July 27, 2014

Sentimental Sunday: Grandma and Grandpa Yeager with Their Friends

Above is an undated picture of my great grandparents, Lena and Andrew Yeager (on the right), with their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Fabian. One out of state cousin shared this picture with me, and another cousin identified the couple standing next to Grandma and Grandpa. To be honest, I am not sure if the lady on the left is Otto's first or second wife. Census and vital records indicate  that his first wife was Amelia, and his second wife was named Celeste. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Fabian lived in Berlin Township for a time, and then they moved to Florida. Grandma and Grandpa Yeager once rode a bus all the way to Florida to visit with them. A newspaper article reported that Otto Fabian died in 1957 in Pinellas County, Florida. Thanks to my generous cousins for sharing their pictures and their knowledge of family history!

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