Friday, April 4, 2014

Mr. and Mrs. Casper J. Parsons

Casper J. Parsons was born in the early 1820s in Baden, Germany. In the 1860 U.S. Census for Erie County, Ohio, Casper J. Parsons and his wife, the former Fredericka/Fridericka Boos were residing in Sandusky, Ohio with their four children, ranging in age from 2 to 14. The 1855 Sandusky City Directory lists Casper J. Parsons as a wholesale liquor dealer, in business with a Mr. Smith at 210 Water Street in downtown Sandusky. Casper J. Parsons was also a trustee for the Sandusky City Council in 1855. Casper J. Parsons died on January 13, 1873, as a result of consumption. He was buried in Sandusky's Oakland Cemetery. A masonic emblem is found at the top of the stone of Mr. Parsons. At the base of his tombstone is an excerpt from Psalm 23:

For though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. For thou art with me, thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

Mrs. Fredericka/Fridericka Boos Parsons passed away on April 2, 1887. The tombstones of Mr. and Mrs. Casper J. Parsons are found in Block 62 of Oakland Cemetery.

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