Monday, April 7, 2014

Dr. George A. Bachmayer, 1866-1929

Dr. George A. Bachmayer died on April 7, 1929, at his Elm Street home in Lima, Ohio, after having had diabetes for many years. According to an obituary for Dr. Bachmayer, which appeared in the Lima News on April 8, 1929, Dr. Bachmayer had been widely known in the Lima area. George A. Bachmayer graduated from the college of pharmacy at Ohio Northern University, and he later graduated from the Starling Medical College of Ohio State University. He first practiced medicine at Hume, Ohio, and then he moved to Lima, Ohio, where he practiced medicine for twenty seven years. Dr. Bachmayer had been a member of the Masonic Lodge, the Woodmen of America, Grace M.E. Church, and the Allen County Academy of Medicine. He was survived by a widow and a daughter, Ruth. Funeral services for Dr. George A. Bachmayer were held at Grace M.E. Church, with Rev. W.T. Blume officiating, and burials was in Oakland Cemetery in Sandusky, Ohio. Dr. Bachmayer had been born in Sandusky, Ohio, shortly after the end of the Civil War.

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