Saturday, September 8, 2012

Snapshots of Mom from the 1940s

Recently I ran across a couple of old pictures of my mom, Joyce Parker Orshoski, from the 1940s. In the picture to the left, Mom was playing dress up, while she was spending time with her paternal grandparents, Leroy and Ada Parker, on their farm in Perkins Township.

Mom wrote a few notes on the back of the picture.

In 1947, Mom gave her Grandma and Grandpa Parker a picture of herself, at age 16, at Christmas time.

Eventually the picture from 1947 made its way back to Mom. It seems like you can see the zest for life in Mom's eyes in that photo. When she was playing dress up, I think she was looking ahead to the day when she would be a wife and mother, and be the "lady of the house." She surely did indeed grow up to achieve all that, and so much more! She put her whole heart in everything she ever did, and it is a joy to look back at pictures of Mom from her growing up years.


  1. Another nice post about your Mom, Dorene.

  2. She is absolutely beautiful and looks like she had a zest for life, Dorene! And she looks so mature for 16.
