Sunday, July 29, 2012

52 Weeks of Abundant Genealogy: Cousins

The prompt for Week 31 of 52 Weeks of Abundant Genealogy, from Amy Coffin at We Tree, and hosted by Geneabloggers, is: Cousins

One of the best experiences in family history is meeting with new cousins found through your research. Tell us about your favorite cousin meet-up. How did you discover each other? Where did you meet? What type of information was exchanged and how did it benefit your research?

I have had so many wonderful cousin meet-ups, that I can’t name just one! Last Spring, I had cousins from two different branches of my family tree stop in to see me while I was at work at the local library. One family was connected to my Parker branch of the family. It was wonderful to see how the youngsters in the family had grown since I last saw them.

Later that day, a cousin named Pam, from the Steen side of the family stopped in. I helped Pam plan for some area cemetery visits, and later we re-connected and shared family stories and photographs.

Another delightful cousin meet up was a “virtual visit” from a cousin in Nevada. In the last couple of years, D. has shared many, many photographs from our mutual Yeager and Orshoski relatives. Sometimes we enlist the help of other relatives in Florida to help us in identifying these pictures. My favorite family picture from D's treasure trove is this one. My paternal grandparents, Steve and Emma Orshoski, are in this 1929 photo, along with my Aunt Bertie, and my father, Paul R. Orshoski, Sr. (Dad is the little boy with his eyes closed.) The baby held by my Grandpa Steve is my Uncle Wayne. Before receiving this image, I had never seen my dad at such a young age!

God bless my generous cousins! They have taught me many things about my family heritage.

*Note: The images and information in this blog post have appeared in previous blog posts at the Graveyard Rabbit of Sandusky Bay.

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