Saturday, November 19, 2011

Saturday Night Genealogy Fun, November 19, 2011

Randy at Genea-Musings has posted a Thanksgiving edition of Saturday Night Genealogy Fun. The mission is to:

Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to:

1) Think about the answers to these questions:

a. Which ancestor are you most thankful for, and why?

b. Which author (book, periodical, website, etc.) are you most thankful for, and why?

c. Which historical record set (paper or website) are you most thankful for, and why?

2) Tell us about it in a blog post of your own; in a comment to this blog post; in a Facebook status line or a Google Plus stream post.

Here are my answers:

a. I am especially thankful for my Great Grandma Ada Steen Parker, who instilled in my mother the love of family heritage, which was then passed down to me.

b. The website for which I am most thankful is Family Search. I so appreciate the ability to access so many vital, census, and military records from any computer at Family Search!

c. The historical record set for which I am most thankful is Heritage Quest. Again, it provides, from any computer, quick and easy access to census records and genealogical and historical books. It makes genealogy so easy and so much fun!

Thanks Randy for this fun edition of Saturday Night Genealogy Fun, and Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Note: Thanksgiving graphic is courtesy theholidayspot.

1 comment:

  1. P.S. I am also extremely thankful for Thomas MacEntee and all his hard work on the Geneabloggers site!
