Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sentimental Sunday: Great Grandma Ada's Mirror and Doily

This hand held mirror once belonged to my Great Grandmother, Ada Steen Parker. She passed it on to my mother, who passed it on down to me. Mom said that it was once part of a set, along with a brush and comb, that Grandma Ada used in her bedroom. It definitely shows signs of wear and tear, but I love that I can look at it, and remember so many family stories...of how Grandma Ada cherished her family heritage, and worked very hard, especially during her years on the family farm in Perkins Township.

Another item that I recently came across was Great Grandma Ada's doily.

Grandma Ada embroidered her initials, ASP, onto the doily.


  1. My mom had a mirror similar to this. It also had a brush but I don't remember a comb. I have both the mirror and brush. I know she used the mirror, which always laid on her dresser, but I'm not so sure she used the brush.

    Your g-grandmother's doily is lovely. Did she also crochet the edging? It looks like it would have taken a long time and concentration to do it.

  2. Thanks for stopping by, Nancy! I was so little when Grandma Ada passed away, that I don't know much about the doily. I think she may have done the edging, but I am not positive. We are both so lucky to have some of the things that we were dear to our ancestors!
