Thursday, June 30, 2011

Mom and Dad's Wedding Booklet

My parents, Paul and Joyce (Parker) Orshoski, were married in a small ceremony at the St. Paul Lutheran Church in Sandusky, Ohio on July 1, 1950. Rev. J. A. Griffith officiated at the wedding. Here is the cover of a small booklet from the day of their wedding ceremony.

The witnesses were siblings of Paul and Joyce, Sally Parker and Wayne Orshoski.
(Note: The stamp from the National Pension Fund dated May 11, 1983, is an indication that the Pension Fund viewed this item, as proof of my parents' marriage, after the death of our dad in 1983

Below is a list of the guests who attended the wedding. While I do not recognize every name, most are family, friends, and neighbors of Paul and Joyce and their extended families. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Johnson would later be my godparents.

Here's a listing of the gifts my parents received. The brand names of Sunbeam, Pyrex, and Revere Ware would be found in our family's kitchen for many years to come.

Mom and Dad
are in Heaven now, but it was fun to look through this booklet, to learn a bit more about who was important to them on that very special day in 1950.


  1. Your mother was a beautiful bride. The gentle, muted colors of the booklet are so reminiscent of that time period. What a treasure! Did you scan or photograph the booklet?

  2. Thanks so much Nancy!

    I scanned the booklet...and my sister had scanned the wedding photo earlier.

    Mom was really a "saver" and I am blessed to have a lot of family treaures.

  3. Now they are together on their anniversary!

  4. What a beautiful couple! Wow! I wish I had everything in its place so I could have scanned those items..You really have encouraged me

  5. Mom and Dad would have been so delighted to hear all these kind words! Thanks everyone!
