Saturday, April 23, 2011

52 Weeks of Personal Genealogy and History: Pets

The prompt for Week 17 of 52 Weeks of Personal History & Genealogy, by Amy Coffin of We Tree, and hosted by Geneabloggers, is: Pets.

Did you have any pets as a child? If so, what types and what were their names. Do you have pets now? Describe them as well. If you did not have pets, you can discuss those of neighbors or other family members.

The pet that I grew up with was Rusty, the cocker spaniel. You can see Rusty in the picture below. My Great Grandmother Ada Steen Parker is holding me.

My mom is seen below, with me and Rusty, in 1951.

Rusty was a gift to my parents from my Great Grandmother Irene Larkins Risko. Grandma Irene is pictured below holding my brother Paul in 1954. (Note my mom's notes regarding the pictures in the picture.)

Gram Irene
found Rusty in a newspaper ad, but since she didn't have a car, she asked my dad to go pick her up. Rusty was my faithful companion until I was nine years old, when she had to be put to sleep after a lengthy illness. Rusty saw the addition of three more siblings in our family, and she was there as Dad and Mom worked on our new house in Bay View. I used to tell Rusty "secrets," and then she would put her snout up to my ear, and I told everyone that she told me "secrets" too. We were all very sad when Rusty left us!

Later, we had a toy poodle named Sam, and a cat named Patches. Sam and Patches were very close to Matt and Kellie, the youngest children in our family. In the Sam and Patches era, several of us older kids were busy with school, band, sports, and jobs....but we loved our family pets all the same!

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see some of the older photos.
    I note the year, 1951. Same as my birth year, but I started out in Lorain, grew-up in Sheffield Lake and that is where I went to school.
