Thursday, September 2, 2010

Parker Family Reunions

From about 1919 through the 1930's, members of the Parker family met in July or August for a family reunion. In the picture at the left, the only people who have been identified are Leroy Parker, his daughter Janet, and his wife, Ada Steen Parker, in the center of the front row. Joshua Parker (the grandfather of Leroy Parker) and several of his siblings, moved from Lincolnshire, England to Huron County, Ohio in the latter half of the eighteenth century. Two of Joshua's sons, George and James Parker, eventually moved to Perkins Township in Erie County, Ohio.

Below is a very brief article from the August 14, 1919 issue of the Sandusky Register, in the column which covered Perkins Township happenings.

According to newspaper accounts in 1922, the Parker Reunion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Moos of Willard, Ohio. 66 attended the reunion, and the "diversions" were music, baseball, and horseshoe pitching.

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