Saturday, May 29, 2010

Mr. and Mrs. Christian Schlenk

An article in the local newspaper read "Parted By Death," after the death of Christian Schlenk on April 3, 1933. Mr. and Mrs. Schlenk had celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary on September 7, 1931. Mr. Schlenk, the former superintendent of Oakland Cemetery, fell ill suddenly, and it is thought that he may have suffered a heart attack. Funeral services for Mr. Schlenk were held at the family residence, with Rev. C. L. Alspach officiating. Burial was in charge of the Sandusky Odd Fellows Lodge. Mrs. Louisa Schlenk died on May 30, 1936. She was buried next to Mr. Schlenk at Oakland Cemetery.

The October 2, 1906 issue of the Sandusky Register featured an advertisement for Sandusky Monumental Works. C. Schlenk was listed as the salesman, and W. J. Dingle was the proprietor. The marble works was located opposite the main entrance to Oakland Cemetery.

Obituaries for Christian and Louisa Schlenk are found in the OBITUARY NOTEBOOKS in the Reference Services level of the Sandusky Library.

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