Friday, May 28, 2010

Infant Child of H.P. and C. Perksen

In Block 81 of Sandusky's Oakland Cemetery, is a flat tombstone for the child of H.P. and C. Perksen. The tombstone is barely visible, blocked by the grass that has grown up around the very old tombstone.

By checking the interment cards for Oakland Cemetery (on microfilm at the Sandusky Library Archives Research Center), I was able to determine that the child's name was Edward Perksen. He died in infanacy, and he was buried on May 28, 1886. His parents' names were Hans Peter and Christena Perksen. Hans Peter Perksen, who also was known as Peter, died in 1912, and Mrs. Christena Perksen passed away in 1932. In the 1880 U.S. Census,accessed at Family Search, the Perksen family was living on Sugar Island, just off Middle Bass Island in Lake Erie. The family in 1880 was comprised of:

Peter, age 36, born in Schlangen, Germany, occupation grape grower
Christina, age 32, born in Denmark
Annie, age 6
Nichols, age 5
Scott, age 2

Baby Edward Perksen's parents and two of his brothers are buried in Block 107 of Oakland Cemetery.

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