Monday, April 5, 2010

Ancestor Approved Award

I was delighted to learn that Linda from the Flipside genealogy blog presented the Graveyard Rabbit of Sandusky Bay with the Ancestor Approved Award. Recipients of this award are to list 10 things we have learned about our ancestors that have surprised, humbled or enlightened them and then pass the award on to 10 other genealogy bloggers.

I was surprised:

1. When I first learned that my 4th Great Grandfather was the mayor of the city in which I was born.

2. To find “double cousins” in two of my maternal lines (siblings married siblings.)

3. To discover that my husband’s ancestor fought for the Confederates during the Civil War, while my ancestor fought with the Union Army.

I was enlightened:

4. To learn that my Yeager/Jaeger ancestors were from Münchhof, Germany, after searching for their homeland for over ten years.

5. To learn that my Hungarian Great Grandfather had worked for over forty years, in coal mines and a cement mill, in order to provide for his family.

6. By poring over my Great Grandmother Ada’s scrapbooks filled with newspaper articles about the births, weddings, and deaths of her dear family and neighbors from Perkins Township.

I was humbled:

7. When I think of my ancestors leaving their homes, family, and friends in Germany, England, Ireland, and Hungary, to make a new life in America.

8. By hearing about my Great Grandma Irene caring for her sick father, her dying daughter, and nurturing three grandchildren, all the while her own heart was breaking, during the 1940’s.

9. When my husband and I were able to purchase my paternal grandparents’ home many years ago.

10. When my father was so proud of my graduating from college, because he had not graduated from high school. He was wise in so many ways, and after his death, he earned his high school diploma posthumously, as a result of his military service during World War Two.

Now I would like to pass the Ancestor Approved Award to these genealogy bloggers:

1. Harriet at Genealogy Fun

2. Nancy at My Ancestors and Me

3. Katie at The Gene Gleaner

4. J.M. at Tracing My Roots

5. Joan at Roots'n'Leaves

6. Michelle at The Turning of Generations

7. Lisa at The Small Leaved Shamrock

8. Saturday's Child

9. Gale at the Digital Cemetery Walk

10. Dr. Bill Tells Ancestor Stories


  1. Dorene,
    Thank you for thinking of me for the Ancestor Approved Award. Also, I do enjoy your blog so, and am pleased when you stop by to read mine. Thanks again.

  2. Thank you, so much, for the recognition. This exchange has been very gratifying.

    May you keep sharing your ancestor stories!

    Bill ;-)
    Author of "Back to the Homeplace"

  3. Thank you for the Ancestor Approved Award. I REALLY appreciate it!

  4. This is REALLY late...but thank you so much for thinking of me! I took a very long break from the blog and am just now catching up!

    I love your blog (obviously as I've just sat here and read the last 3 months I missed!) so I'm delighted that you would think of me!

    Hope to be active in the community more now that I've had my little break! See you around! :)

  5. Katie -

    Your enthusiasm is contagious! Glad you are back at blogging!
