Sunday, April 4, 2010

Sentimental Sunday: Jimmy's Letter to his Aunt Irene

Irene Risko (nee Larkins) suffered a stroke in the Spring of 1955. Shortly after her stroke, her nephew Jim Larkins sent her an Easter card, with a letter inside. The letter, which was written on Good Friday in 1955 read:

About 23 years ago someone was told that if you went to church on Good Fri. and prayed real hard you would receive. So today a nephew and a great nephew went to church. I don't know what the great nephew prayed for but I do know why the nephew went and prayed. so the next time I see you I'll expect results.

The someone mentioned above was me and the one that told was you - down on Dishler Ave. when you stayed with us - Get well.

It was signed, Jim, Pauline, and Jimmy.

Irene and her family were so blessed by this card, although she did not recover, and eventually she had to move to a nursing home. Irene and her brother Art were the only two children of Thomas and Mary Louise Larkins, and Irene adored her nephew Jimmy, who was called Jim after he had a son also named Jimmy.


  1. Great post Dorene. I have awarded you the Ancestor Approved Award. You can pick it up over at Flipside
