Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Gary Will be Missed!

My mom, Joyce Orshoski, is pictured here with Gary Lindsley on his farm in 2008. A few days ago Gary passed away after suffering injuries in an automobile accident. Gary's obituary is found at the Firelands Obits website. (Mom died in 2010, after a long battle with cancer.) Gary Lindsley was not related to us, but we shared a lot of cousins. Gary's mom and dad, Cliff and Leona Lindsley lived on a farm in Perkins Township near  where my Parker grandparents and great grandparents used to live. After the U.S. Government took over several acres of farm land in the 1940s, for a munitions factory for the war effort, all the farmers had to re-locate. Gary's parents moved to a lovely farm in rural Bellevue. When my siblings and were young, we used to enjoy the long drive to the Lindsley farm in Bellevue. Uncle Cliff and Aunt Leona welcomed us with open arms. Gary was older than were, and he was quiet during our visits, but wonderful memories were made. Though those Perkins Township farmers moved away from their farms, many of the families kept in touch through the years, and I cherish the memories of Gary and his family. We'll miss you Gary!

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