Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Francisco-Young Monument at Oakland Cemetery

David Francisco was born in New York in the 1790s, and settled in Groton Township. It appears that David died some time between 1840 and 1850. His wife Semanda lived until 1872. The Franciscos had three children, Frances, George J., and Maria. Frances Francisco (1829-1891) was a harness maker in Sandusky. George J. Francisco (1821-1893) moved to Cincinnati, Ohio, where he was the superintendent of the stables for the Express Company for many years. Maria Francisco married John Losey Young, who died in his forties in 1869.


The son of John Losey Young and Maria Francisco Young was Merritt Francisco Young, who was born in 1849. Merritt worked as a clerk in the United States Express Office in Sandusky in his teenage years. Later he moved to Cincinnati, Ohio, where he was a bookkeeper at the Gibson Hotel. While at the hotel, he became acquainted with James A. Bailey, the well known circus manager. Mr. Bailey saw Merritt Young’s aptitude for business, and hired him to handle the business affairs of the Cooper and Bailey Circus in the 1860s. When James Bailey and P.T. Barnum merged to become the Barnum and Bailey Circus in 1881, Merritt Young became treasurer of the well known circus.

Photo source: Wikipedia

After becoming very ill in Chicago, Illinois, Merritt Young passed away on June 16, 1897, at the age of 48. His remains were returned to Sandusky, Ohio for burial at Oakland Cemetery.

Masonic funeral services were held for Mr. Young, with Rev. Clement Martin of the Presbyterian Church officiating. At the grave site, were his grieving mother, along with officials from the Barnum and Bailey Circus, members of the Masonic Lodge, and several friends of the Young family.  The casket of Merritt Young was adorned with many floral tributes. The ticket agent of the Buffalo Bill Wild West Show and James A. Bailey were among those sending flowers. It was said that whenever the Barnum and Bailey Circus visited Sandusky for a show, flowers were placed at the grave of Merritt Young at Oakland Cemetery. Merritt’s mother, Mrs. John Losey Young died on October 28, 1901. She was laid to rest at Oakland Cemetery in the family lot, which she had visited often.


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