Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Mrs. Mary Root

Mary S. Buckingham was born in 1815 to John and Sarah Buckingham.  In 1835, Mary married Joseph M. Root, who was an attorney. He also served as a Representative to Congress from Ohio in the 29th, 30th, and 31st U.S. Congresses, and was a member of the Ohio State Senate for several terms. The Roots would have a family of five daughters. In 1876, Mrs. Mary Root became ill with consumption. She passed away at the family home in Sandusky on October 4, 1876. Mary Root was buried in the family lot at Oakland Cemetery in Sandusky, Ohio. An obituary for Mrs. Root appeared in the October 5, 1876 issue of the Sandusky Register.  Her obituary read in part, "By her noble qualities of head and heart, Mrs. Root endeared herself to a large circle of warm friends here and elsewhere, who will be inexpressibly pained to learn of her death."

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