Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Ida Weiss Weinberger


Ida Weiss was born  in Aryosmegyes, Hungary in 1861, which is now located in Romania. She traveled to the United States in 1900, and by the time of the 1910 U.S. Census, she was residing in Rostraver Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.

On the birth record of my uncles, Frank Orshoski and Joseph Orshoski, Jr. (Surname spelling varies widely) the name of Ida Weinberger was listed as the midwife.

Though Ida Weinberger was of the Jewish faith, and the Orshoski family was Roman Catholic, I am sure that my great grandmother Julia Herzog Orshoski was happy to have a midwife who spoke Hungarian! I suspect that Ida was the midwife present at the birth of many of the babies born to coal miners and their wives in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. 

Ida Weiss Weinberger died in Pennsylvania in 1949. She was buried in the Old Gemilas Chesed Cemetery in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. A librarian from Hebrew College translated the Hebrew inscription on her tombstone, which reads:

Here lies
Our Dear Mother
Mrs. Ita daughter of R. Abraham
died 29 Heshvon, 5710 (in the Hebrew calendar = November 21, 1949)
"May her soul be bound up in the bond of eternal life."

Thank you Hebrew College and AC Stone from FindaGrave for helping me learn more of this dear woman who played in integral role in my Hungarian immigrant family members!

(Image courtesy FindaGrave.)

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