Saturday, August 17, 2019

SNGF: Were You in a Youth Organization

In today's version of Saturday Night Genealogy Fun, Randy from Genea-Musings  has challenged us to answer the question "Were You in a Youth Organization." I was a Girl Scout; my younger brother Paul was a Cub Scout; and my sister Robin was once a Brownie Scout! Pictured below are my brother and I in our Scout uniforms in the early 1960s.

From Grades 2 through 12, I was a member of the Girl Scouts. I was first a Brownie Scout, in Grades 2 and 3.

Image courtesy Ebay

Below is my Brownie World Association Pin, which was only in use from 1956 to 1976.

After Grade 3, we got to become a "fly up." We went from Brownies to becoming actual Girl Scouts. One of my very favorite Scout leaders was Mrs. Winnie Sessler. Mrs. Sessler was our school cook, and she loved us young ladies so much! She took us camping, taught us how to make all-day lollipops at her house, and guided us along the way to earning many, many Girl Scout badges! We got to go to cooking school at Columbia Gas. We learned how to be a home nurse. One Spring we made refreshments, and had a dance at one of our members' big farmhouse. We slept in sleeping bags, made campfire stew, and fried up homemade donuts. We sat upon homemade "sit upons." Our dishes were washed in "swishy bags." The songs we sang are still very vividly in my memory bank.

Thanks for the fun trip down Memory Lane, Randy! I made lifelong friends in Girl Scouts, and had hundreds of memorable moments along the way.

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