Friday, April 12, 2019

Frank and Julia Van Blarcum

Frank Van Blarcum was born in Sandusky, Ohio in 1870 to Aaron and Laura Van Blarcum. In 1892, he married Julia E. Ernst, the daughter of Conrad and Philipena Ernst. Frank worked as a foreman for a local building contractor, G.W. Doerzbach. On  October 12, 1915, Frank Van Blarcum died as a result of an accident in which an elevator cable snapped in the elevator of the Rieger Hotel, which was being renovated. Frank fell five stories, and it is believed that he died instantly. Also injured in the accident was Edward Rieger, the proprietor of the Rieger, but Mr. Rieger did recover from his injuries.  Frank Van Blarcum was survived by his wife Julia, four children, and two brothers. Funeral services for Frank Van Blarcum were held at the family residence on McKinley Street, and burial was at Oakland Cemetery. Mrs. Julia Van Blarcum lived to the age of 74. She passed away from heart disease on May 11, 1939.

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