Sunday, September 30, 2018

John Peterson, A Veteran Sailor, and His Wife Ann

Captain John Peterson, a longtime sailor in the United States and abroad, died on January 4, 1900. An obituary for Capt. Peterson appeared in the January 4, 1900 issue of the Norwalk Reflector, having been reprinted from the Sandusky Register. It read:

Capt. John Peterson in the Haven of Eternal Rest
From the Sandusky Register

At midnight last night Captain John Peterson, one of the oldest, if not the oldest lake mariner, was called from this world into that port not tossed by storms. His death occurred at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. J. Holland, on East Adams Street, after an illness of some length. His career was in some respects most remarkable. He was born in Sonnderburg, Denmark, in 1812, and was at the time of his death 88 years old. He came to this country when a young man, and in 1837 settled at Huron, where his brother.­ Capt. J. D. Peterson, still re­sides. He followed the lakes for 53 years, during 43 years of which time he was master of some boats. In 1860 he made a trip from Huron to Liverpool, Eng., in the schooner Evelyn Bates. On this trip he ­ encountered the historic whirlwind storm which raged for six days and will be remembered by some of the older residents. In 1864 he came to Sandusky and has resided here since that time. He was captain of several boats, among which were the schooners C. N. Ryan and Provost. During the past ten years he has been of necessity in­ active on account of his advanced age. His wife died in 1881 and his only remaining relatives are his daughter and brother.

Capt. Peterson's wife, the former Ann Lee, had died in 1881. Both John and Ann Peterson are buried in Sandusky's Oakland Cemetery.

The Peterson monument stands tall in the western portion of Oakland Cemetery. John Peterson was a brave man, who faced danger on the waters, many a time. Ann Lee Peterson must have been a strong women, as both her husband, and her brother Seth Lee,  were seafaring men. She had to face life head on, by herself, when her husband and brother were on lengthy trips.

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