Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Grandpa Joe's Father Went Through Ellis Island Several Times!

Image Courtesy Wikipedia

According to the "hit list" I retrieved when I did a search in Searching Ellis Island in One Step, my great great grandfather, Joseph Orshoski/Josef Orsoczky may have passed through Ellis Island several times between 1893 and 1907. Below are some of the listings at Ellis Island.

In 1893, Josef Orsoczky traveled to Ellis Island, at the age of 33, on the ship Noordland from Antwerp. According to records 22 through 25, as well as numbers 30 and 32, he made the trip across the ocean several more times. My Uncle Wayne once told me that Granda Joe, my great grandfather, had a close relative who came to America, but he missed his homeland of Hungary too much, and he returned there to live. When Great Great Grandpa Josef Orsoczky visited in 1907, did he see my paternal grandfather Steve Orshoski? So many questions I wish I had asked my great grandfather! I am so glad that he stayed in the U.S., and did not return to his homeland like his father! Miss you Grandpa and Grandma!

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