Tuesday, July 4, 2017

What I Learned From the Minutes of the North Ohio Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church

While browsing through Google Books, I ran into the Minutes of the North Ohio Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In the Appendix which lists the financial contributions to missionary fund, I came across the name of my great great great grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey House, as well as the names of my great great grandmother, Marian House, and two of her sisters, Mina and Hattie, in the listing of donors to the missionary fund. They attended the Methodist Episcopal Church in Perkins Township of Erie County, where Rev. G.A. Weber was the pastor in 1871. This shows me that my House ancestors thought giving to missions was a worthy cause. Also, the names of the other people who are on this listing are the people with whom my ancestors spent time. The church was a very important part of the residents of Perkins Township in the 1870s. These folks helped each other in times of need, at harvest time, funerals, weddings, and at the birth of new babies. Looking at the 1870 Census will show the name of each family member of these Perkins Township residents. The 1874 Erie County Atlas shows precisely where many of these families resided. Great Great Grandma Marian married George B. Parker in 1879, and their only child Leroy J. Parker was my great grandfather. What fun to see this little slice of life about Great Great Grandma Marian!

Below is the Family Group Sheet for the immediate family of my Grandma Marian House Parker.

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