Monday, May 22, 2017

Great Great Grandpa Steen Earned a Life Scholarship to the Buckeye Business College

Recently I came across a document in the Schools Collection of the Sandusky Library Archives Research Center. It seems that Charles F. Steen, my great great grandfather, was awarded a life scholarship to to the Buckeye and Great Western Business College in 1869.

Upon payment of $45.00 tuition, Charles F. Steen could have all the privileges of the college for the rest of his life. The document was given to him by H.O. Stafford, Secretary, and A.C. VanTine, President of the College. Grandpa Steen pledged his honor to pursue his studies with diligence and to conduct himself on all occasions "as becomes a gentleman." Such a fun item to read! I have no idea how many years Grandpa Steen attended this college, but I convinced that in all the pictures I have seen of him, he did indeed conduct himself as a gentleman!

Note: The Buckeye Business College had several name changes throughout its existence in Sandusky, from about 1865 to the 1940s.

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