Thursday, May 19, 2016

Neighbor and Friend Mary's Name in the National Archives!

My dear neighbor, Mary Doza Lakner, was such a good friend to me. We spent many hours talking on her porch in Bay Bridge, Ohio, before her death in 2005. Mary knew six generations of my family, because so many people who lived in the Bay Bridge/Bay View area had been employed at the former Medusa Cement factory. We each had family members who worked at Medusa, and Mary seemed to know an interesting story about each and every one of them! Mary told me that at one time she ran the neighborhood store in Bay Bridge, which also served as a tavern, and for a time a Post Office. I was delighted to find Mary's name in a listing from the National Archives and Records Administration's listings of Postmaster Appointments at Ancestry Library Edition. It turns out that Mary Lakner was the Postmaster of Bay Bridge, Ohio from 1958, until it closed in 1963. U.S. Mail formerly delivered to Bay Bridge was sent to Sandusky, Ohio after June 21, 1963.

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