Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Cousin Lee's Send Off

My second cousin Leroy Baumeister passed away on May 4, 2016. He always used to tell the best family stories! He is survived by a host of family members and close friends who will miss him very much. His obituary is located at Firelands Obits.   At the conclusion of Lee's funeral service, held at Groff Funeral Home, four musicians from the Toledo Symphony played "When the Saints Go Marching In." It was a glorious to send Lee off!!


  1. I'm sorry to hear of your cousin's passing, Dorene. Perhaps he will continue to tell his stories to those he meets on the other side, perhaps some of the family members and ancestors. He looks like a very friendly person.

  2. Thanks for stopping by Nancy. Lee's funeral was truly a celebration of his life. It was not
    like any funeral I have ever attended!

  3. Sorry for the loss, Dorene. I do think that's an awesome, upbeat finale to what is usually just a tough-to-get-through situation.

  4. We were smiling even though we had tears in our eyes!
