Monday, April 11, 2016

A Bend in the Road

In the picture above, I am helping my youngest brother Matt, as he learns to walk, in the back yard of our childhood home in Bay View, Ohio. Now we are all grown up, and Matt is facing a major change in his life. He has had Multiple Sclerosis for several years, now, and his balance is affected, as well as his mobility, vision and dexterity. He and his wife have decided that Matt will soon be going into a nursing home, so he can receive more medical care. Throughout all these challenges, Matt has never lost his sense of humor. Whenever someone spends time with him, he is always his old sweet self, and asks about how the other person is doing, their kids, their jobs, their latest vacation...I am so blessed that Matt has not become bitter. When he was in the hospital following an ankle fracture, he used to talk with the other people on the floor. He especially enjoyed asking people their "story" and how they happened to be upon the rehab floor. Some stroke victims would begin talking, and while they didn't even realize it, Matt's interest in their life helped the person improve their speech as they told the story of what brought them to the hospital. I love Matt with all my heart, and I wish this disease hadn't hit him so hard. His family and friends will be with him every step of the way. Below is a picture of Matt with several members of our extended family, as another brother, Paul, was inducted into the Margaretta High School Athletic Hall of Fame, for being a part of an outstanding high school baseball team back in the 1970s. (We come from a long line of Margaretta Polar Bear fans!)

One of my favorite memories is helping to plan a baby shower for my mom when she told us she was expecting Baby "number five." Aunt Betty did all the planning, really, and it was a great time in the old party room of the Log Cabin Restaurant. We have covered a lot of miles since that baby shower!!
Love you Matt O!!!

1 comment:

  1. Your brother sounds like an incredible person. I am sorry that his condition progressed so fast but I hope he will know that reading his story has made an impact on me this morning while dealing with some issues in my life. People like your brother give people hope and inspiration in life. Thank you. Hoping his transitional move goes well.
