Sunday, January 11, 2015

James W. Cooke, Erie County Recorder

James W. Cooke was the son of Erastus Cooke his wife, the former Fannie Anderson.  Erastus Cooke was an early postmaster of Sandusky, and he died in the Cholera epidemic of 1849. The uncle of James W. Cooke was Sandusky's first lawyer, Eleutheros Cooke. From 1853 to 1862, James W. Cooke was the Erie County Recorder. Sadly, James W. Cooke died on January 12, 1867 of pneumonia, when he was only 37 years old.  He was buried in Sandusky's Oakland Cemetery. James W. Cooke was survived by his widow Eliza, and his mother Mrs. Fannie Cooke. You can read more about James W. Cooke, and several other Erie County officials in the book ELECTED TO SERVE, by Patty Pascoe.

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