Friday, August 1, 2014

When Dad Was a Deputy Policeman

For a very short time, about 1957, my dad, Paul R. Orshoski, Sr.,  served as deputy policeman for the Village of Bay View. I can remember saying to him, "Daddy, daddy can I hold your gun?"  I was only age 6, and after he handed me the gun, my hand fell straight to the floor. He did not serve on the police department for very long, because soon he was busy coaching Little League baseball during the summer. Dad wore lots of different hats through the years, and we all were proud of him when he wore this one.


  1. Great picture, but I have to say I love the drapes! I love the memories of the decor we all shared in the 1950's, 1960's and 1970's!!!

  2. Thanks for stopping by Miss Merry! Those are interesting drapes, for sure!
