Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Civil War Encampment to be held in August, 2014 at Ohio Veterans Home

A Civil War Encampment will be held at the Ohio Veterans Home on August 23 and August 24, 2014. My family and I attended this event in 2012 and 2013, and it is wonderful! My grandchildren learned about American history in a very "hands on" way. Here are some of the highlights which will be taking place:

Free event featuring Civil War era music, military encampment, drills, artillery, and skirmish demonstrations, and speakers on Civil War topics including the Confederate attempt to free prisoners at Johnson's Island Civil War Prison. Tours of the Ohio Veterans Home Museum will also be available with special displays of Civil War memorabilia.

An article in the Sandusky Register reported that in conjunction with the Civil War Encampment, a concert by the 73rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry Regimental Band will be performed at the State Theatre on August 23rd. The fee will be $5.00 per person.

If you live close enough to attend this event, it is educational, interesting, and a lot of fun!

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