Saturday, June 28, 2014

Historical and Genealogical Records at the Coats Museum in North Carolina

The Coats Museum is located in Coats, North Carolina, in Harnett County. Several historical and genealogical records are found at the website of the Coats Museum. Under the Records Tab are links to:

In the "Reflections" portion of the website of the Coats Museums are several video recordings of individuals who have shared their memories of living in the Coats, North Carolina area. I've only viewed a few of these, and I hope to view more soon. Other features of the Coats Museum's website include online exhibits, photos,  information about those who served in the military from Coats, and a link to the Cotton Museum
While I do not have any ancestors from Coats, North Carolina, I truly enjoyed browsing through the website of the Coats Museum! I encourage you to take a look at the website as well! I learned a lot about the history and culture of the Southern U.S.

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